He once bricked his OS during a “run Linux for a week” challenge. He tried to do apt install steam
or something and ignored a bunch of warnings. Of course he then bashed Linux because he didn’t pay attention
🇪🇸 🇨🇦
He once bricked his OS during a “run Linux for a week” challenge. He tried to do apt install steam
or something and ignored a bunch of warnings. Of course he then bashed Linux because he didn’t pay attention
Another fun phrase with similar etymology is “pulling out all the stops”. It comes from church organs, where the stops are all of the levers that can change the timbre
To make matters worse, some languages have the exact same word but with a different gender. Heat in Spanish is el calor but in Catalán is la calor
It took me a surprising amount of time to realize that John David Washington was Denzel Washington’s son
A lot of the Freddie Dredd videos (especially the claymation ones) are wild
This isn’t really adding anything, but in Spain we have the word guiri which is like Mexico’s gringo but guiri is like 100% negative unlike gringo. It specifically refers to British tourists because they have a bad habit of acting up while on vacation, but it could be used to refer to any tourist/foreigner
This is pretty spot on. I use español when comparing Spanish to another foreign language but castellano when talking about the language as a whole. The latter is the most popular in Spain because español is also the nationality and we also can speak catalán, vasco, valenciano, gallego, and others
Last week a coworker described a restaurant as being “kitty-corner” from our office. Took me forever to figure out what they meant
About 200 million trillion times the entire global GDP
21:9 sounds unique enough for me
There’s also a bunch of female names taken from the various forms of John, like Juana or Jeanne in Spanish and French
I’m partial to 213 myself
How do things like mail work? And what if you need to put in an address into a form?
Its just a really big trebuchet
I imagine that they’re just normal grey rocks that look blue because of all of the red
Why the train one?
Didn’t they stop doing the dessert names a few versions ago? Android Pie I think?
In the Jackson 5’s song ABC they actually sing sol la do instead of do re mi.
As did the Pixel 2. Still miss the back scanner
His middle name was also (Low Tax), including the parentheses