This is exactly what i wanted!. Thank you
This is exactly what i wanted!. Thank you
This is not true. the method has been public for quite a while afaik
Yo, what you are asking for is called webDL. webRIP is screen recording and there are quality differences between them. If u are interested in webDL’ing check out https://cdm-project.com/explore/repos. Also check around videohelp forums. I won’t mention anything else in here because it would put me in danger legally.
I did check the megathread because my family wanted to watch today’s ICC worldcup but they aren’t that fluent in english. and there were good streams available in english only It sucks but i will try to get into some top cabal trackers and see if their forums have some sort of recommendations?
Nothing about gatekeeping man. people are free to choose whatever they find convenient. Have a nice day
someone pm’ed one and i did try it. unfortunately the country’s channels i specifically want don’t work well enough. but most of the US ones are working perfectly fine
Iptorrents is generally despised due to the fact that you can pay your way. CABAL trackers will have much more niche stuff than possibly available at ipt. sure it’s good if you only want newer releases but trackers like popcorntime have much more seeded stuff and better releases since they encourage community contributing instead of chasing after money.
I am more inclined towards opensource so there’s that. I will probably give kodi a try. Yes the one i got recommended by a guy in PM offers 3 days test for free. I will try tivimate but still a bit skeptical towards it. thanks
hey king if u don’t mind could you share the method by which you obtained it’s latest version? Edit: the 2024 version is available on libgen.is
Hi thanks you for your detailed response. I am already familiar with the idea of the hacked firestick/settopbox thing. What i was mainly looking for was a provider. I also fully understand the fact that these are not legal but cable costs are high for what they are offering here. Someone mentioned a site but it got deleted and looks really good and what i was looking for. My main reason was live sports. as for public record i am familiar with using crypto so it’s not an issue.
Best place is sport events/pubs -I doubt people would know about it in a third world country
I am familiar with vpn and crypto but i wanted some high quality ones which people in cabal trackers use. someone mentioned a site It does look legit and something i was looking for ‘.m3u links’ which i can use in jellyfin
Is the 2020 version any different from 2024 one? I found the 2020 one on https://annas-archive.org/
Happy cake day!
I searched about and looks like they do have great service. If i don’t find anything better will definitely go with this one. On a side note it does seem that they have a bad history being a tracker. but will still check out.
The problem i have with public services is that there is always a risk of them getting shutdown and well leaking customer info like IP addresses. Recently read an article on torrentfreak about consumers getting fined for using IPTV services so I am a bit skeptical. Ofcourse if anyone is willing to share the tracker name i will get into it myself
I would be happy if they could tell me which private tracker they got it from. None of mine have any threads regarding this
Try torguard.
https://rentry.org/firehawk52 This is really good for downloading lossless music
If you are still seeing this OP. you can go to your favorite search engine and type. site:freecoursesite.com “Insert course name here” (without the quotation marks) if it’s popular enough you will find torrent links for it and sometimes gdriive too. Just make sure you are using uBlock Origin tho their sites are infested with ads