Imagine losing your father in a tragic fashion, only for Hollywood execs to make a marketable facsimile of appearance and voice. If they could store his corpse and make it dance like a marionette they would.
Talk about retraumatizing the poor lady.
Imagine losing your father in a tragic fashion, only for Hollywood execs to make a marketable facsimile of appearance and voice. If they could store his corpse and make it dance like a marionette they would.
Talk about retraumatizing the poor lady.
Do you have any sources on that?
I’m not trying to call you out, I’m interested in reading more.
That has become the primary use for my flipper, lol.
Most of my actual thoughts in the shower revolve around destroying whatever made me leave the house, thus necessitating a shower on THEIR schedule.
I like showers, and love a hot bath… I don’t love water prices here locally.
Kali was built out as a penetration testing distro, though it does contain some diagnostic tools.
Not a bad place to start if you’re used to Debian, but it is a rolling release so it may break unexpectedly, or have new bugs introduced with each update.
A persistent USB with just Debian could have all the same tools installed but have a longer support scope on releases so you don’t have to update daily (bleeding edge) which is nice to reduce read/writes to the flash drive it’s on.
That being said, I keep a Kali live image (persistent) but thats becauae its home - my first introduction to Linux was 5 minutes with Red Hat, but aside from a brief intro in highschool, I really started with Linux in Backtrack, offensive security’s predecessor to Kali.
Yes, I have to learn things the hard way lol.
I’d be happy to take one, should you still have any to give out.
One of my favorite maxims.
Much appreciated. Just needed some phrases to throw in a search engine to get started.
I’m looking to rise up from the hell desk, I have an enterprise grade server sitting collecting dust at the moment (heat issue, not on the server, just the average ambient temperature is uncomfortable without it running is too much) but its running unraid at the moment and not much else.
Any suggestions on where to start with infrastructure as code?
Its simple, you don’t even think about it while crossing.
Planning a drive? Maybe reroute in case a train is stuck.
Being pissed that a train is approaching and you missed the light? Sucks, shoulda left earlier.
Though I suppose more restricted access to the tracks would be beneficial.
I knew a person who chose a train as their method to exit this hellhole. Just walked right onto the tracks, and the engineer didn’t think anything of a person walking beside the tracks because it runs next to a main thoroughfare, a lot of traffic, even on foot. She just stepped on the tracks, no guardrail or anything to hop over even.
For anyone offering well wishes or to seek therapy… I knew this person from work, we were never close, and both of us had exited that job for other reasons.
Just a name and a picture in the newspaper alerted my BIL, who worked in the same building and had more of a working relationship with that person.
He isn’t fine, but that has nothing to do with the person who commited suicide via train lol.
I would have less of an issue with the DARE program if it was actually educational, and not just progaganda in the drug war.
Face it people, drugs won.
Anything that can hijack the pleasure center of your brain can be problematic. Whether it be drugs, food, sex, whatever.
Balance in all things.
Just had to use my wife’s iphone and felt like a moron trying to navigate it.
I don’t know the gestures, the last iOS device I supported still had that center home button.
It also seems to have some context with whether or not it is in an edible state. You bake dough > Turns to bread (food product on its own) > you roast (toast) bread - all based on your understanding.
I would love to be a polyglot, sadly, the only thing besides english I “speak” are scripting languages - and that was hard fought knowledge.
I refer to mine with much ruder terms, but she often misses deliveries, so yeah.
The problem isn’t the customer’s expectations (within rational limits of course) the problem is all the levels of managent giving the customer satisfaction because they don’t understans, and always forget thr last part about taste.
I know, that if I go to a Walmart and start a big enough fuss, Walmart will give as little as they can (to often monetarily desperate) to get them to stop causing a scene.
I worked in electronics, and per protocol had to inspect a returned PS2. It was physically beat up, had paint splotches on it, and it would not power on, and thr serial number was missing.
I said no. Simple as that. Not paid enough to fight customers. They wanted a manager. Two hours later they walked out with fucking cash.
Wait, I’ve heard of oxtail as a delicious southern dish, but never had the opportunity to try it.
Is it really just a generic cow tail?
English is stupid, and I say that as a native speaker.
I was happier before I knew that.
What does the acronym CSAM mean?
I’d also like to add that there are areas in the US that simply don’t have public transportation reasonably available.
Its about 35 minutes to drive into work. I’ve certainly had longer commutes. That being said, the nearest bus stop would be a 30 minute drive and its not like it has a well lit secure parking lot… I would have to park on the curb in front of someone’s residence in an area that has historically had issues with poverty and crime, and not just property crime, violent crime as well. I worked in that area when I was younger, and I’ve had enough guns drawn on me that it doesn’t seem to phase me anymore, at least in that context. They want the take from the till of a dollar store, they don’t wanna kill someone.
Its just not reasonable to think public transportation is a valid option in the US. Its not necessarily about public transport being for the “poors,” it just simply isn’t accessible for some.
If anyone is looking for a search engine term, they are all Abrahamic religions, if memory serves.