Yep. Some torrents are low bandwidth and you can have a lot. Sometimes it seems you’re connecting to an AWS server and all of the sudden you’re saturated.
Yep. Some torrents are low bandwidth and you can have a lot. Sometimes it seems you’re connecting to an AWS server and all of the sudden you’re saturated.
The ear buds are so tiny I don’t know if the average person could do it, and in terms of components it’s really only the battery that would need replacing. I’d like to see app change it up where the AirPod sticks unscrew and can be swapped/recycled. Sustainable from the get go.
Here in Toronto we have free little libraries. I would just put them in there.
All the most recent OLEDs are smart TVs, the only thing I could think of that isn’t are basically things classified as digital signage but these panels aren’t really tuned for watching at home.
But your best bet is to use the TV as a display for whatever you have and switching inputs old school style. Connect it once to do software updates. Unplug from wall and don’t give it your wifi password or vlan it off the internet. Otherwise they’re all sending data back about you, and your consumption habits.
Yes. This also takes years to develop and is a slow painful decline as wounds start to not heal and you get gangrene.
An aside, as a type 1 diabetic. You don’t want diabetes.
I’ve got PTO and my job is forcing me back to the office so basically if a strong wind blows I’m calling in sick. I’m tired of sacrificing my happiness for others
Some one game that comes to mind is one of my favourite RTS’s Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth (and it’s expansion Rise of the Witch King). It was published by EA. Unfortunately they no longer have the license for LOTR content so they can’t legally sell this game and you can’t buy it. Thankfully it’s still alive due to the piracy community and you can download a copy with all the cracks and whatnot.
I got a little flap cover on Amazon for my Logitech camera. Now it’s a very deliberate and physical action.
Huh, I just enabled it last night hahaha