Glad to see the reddit tradition of just commenting without reading any of the source material is going strong /s
But for real my dude. You got a problem with chemicals in your meat? How bout those crazy steroids and antibiotics they pump your chickens/cows full of so that they don’t die of disease before maturation/slaughter? What about all the chemicals in the low quality feed they give the animals? Or the processing to increase shelf life?
The beauty of this technology is that it avoids all those problems as well as their chemical solutions. It uses mitosis, aka the same naturally occurring process all cells use, to grow meat in an isolated environment that disease cannot thrive. Meanwhile we can use genetic modification to improve the quality of the protein. The end result will be healthier, more sustainable and have a significantly longer shelf life.
And this technology is only going to improve.
I got a cat at 18 for the same reason I don’t want kids lmao. I like kids. I also like dogs. But I like leaving the house for more than 8 hours more and for that you need a cat.