Wouldn’t the opposite be Jesus’s mother? In other words… Mary is the anti-Christ?!
Wouldn’t the opposite be Jesus’s mother? In other words… Mary is the anti-Christ?!
My favorite (probably inaccurate) point about the name “Jesus Christ”: the name “Christ” means “anointed one”, as you said. People were generally anointed by having oil poured on their head. “Jesus” is just contemporary form of the name “Joshua”. So in another life, “Jesus Christ” could literally be translated as “Oily Josh”.
Remember when their account signup page said “It’s free, and always will be”? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Oh good. Now they’re literally paying the karma-farming bots to spam recycled and stolen content. That will surely end well.
So we’re keeping the reddit trend of posting any tabloid-level “headline” about Musk as if it’s technology news?
And if you don’t, then the problem has still resolved itself!
The case involved a grain buyer sending out a mass text to drum up clients and a farmer agreeing to sell 86 tons of flax for around $13 per bushel. The buyer texted a contract agreement to the farmer and asked for the farmer to “confirm” receiving the contract. He issued a thumb’s up emoji as receipt of the document, but backed out of the deal after flax prices increased.
The buyer sued the farmer, arguing that the thumb’s up represented more than just receipt of the contract. It represented an agreement to the conditions of the contract, and a judge agreed, ordering the farmer to cough up nearly $62,000, likely causing a string of puke emojis.
What a bunch of horseshit. I can see a thumbs-up emoji being used as an explicit sign of confirmation, but even in the context, the farmer never indicated any willingness to sign the contract. Receiving a contract and signing a contract are two entirely different things.
The theological answer, as I learned it, is most clearly spelled out in James 2:14-26, often referenced through the phrase “faith without works is dead”. The short version is: faith in Jesus will save you, not good deeds. However, if you have faith in Jesus, then that faith will manifest itself through good deeds. If someone proclaims their faith but doesn’t act lovingly, then they don’t actually have faith and won’t be saved. So a Christian should be a good person not because being good will save them, but because being good is a result of genuine faith.
You forgot the part where millions of people still write in Donald Trump based on the widespread conspiracy that he’s still alive, and we get to figure out what happens when a state tries to elect a dead man.