The secret master key
The secret master key
Godot, Blender, Gimp, latest tutorial series for all three, Wikipedia (which I already have), music, fill the rest with art assets.
If I can’t download games I will simply make them.
What are you talking about?
It is known as a fact that asexual reproduction does occur and does not involve the merging of two zygotes.
Everything else you have spouted is purely irrelevant and is deflection.
It is clear you have too much ego to properly participate in science.
Asexual reproduction has been observed, measured, studied and is fairly well understood.
The specific claim that all multicellular life starts with two zygotes merging is incorrect. While not the main thrust of the article it is wrong.
Your additional claims are simply absurd and you could spend some minimal effort to understand asexual reproduction before making ignorant claims.
Here I will give you a place to start:
Multicellular animal organisms all start their lives the same way. Two zygotes merge and fuse
I hate to nitpick but asexual reproduction does not require two zygotes.
Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that does not involve the fusion of gametes or change in the number of chromosomes.
Ending the meat industry would result in the extinction of breeds we have engineered for meat and milk production.
Ending factory farming would significantly reduce numbers and increase quality of life for the animals.
So there’s this neat thing in quantum mechanics where the state of something could change to a more stable state in what is known as false vacuum decay.
Then it causes everything else of the same type to decay/collapse to the more stable state in a wave travelling in every direction at nearly the speed of light.
Such an event could rewrite fundamental forces of the universe and… one day planes just stop working.
Probably other bad stuff happens as well like our cells stop working and we all die.
Ahh yes comments so deserving of being deleted or edited by hyper sensitive authoritarians such as
What do you not like about it?
my different opinion on how disagreements should be done
Let me guess, all people should disagree the still unspecified way that you alone are aware of, so anything and everything remains free for you to censor because you made a post?
You’re going to have a bad time on the internet snowflake.
I’m gonna open an issue so Lemmy lets OPs edit and delete comments on their posts. The amount of argument on here is too bad for a standard centralized moderation model.
LMAO you’re waaay too thin skinned to be given that sort of power. There is just some polite discussion of Factorio’s graphics going on.
You should probably just leave Lemmy if you’re that hyper sensitive to any form of disagreement.
Congrats you just realised the mygov ID is being slowly but surely pushed towards being mandatory for access to any online services.
Absolutely. I don’t have any hate for them it’s just not my thing and it’s a bit unpleasant when I see it. It’s a great feature for the fediverse that we can filter and let others enjoy their thing in peace.
I didn’t say sex was a spectrum
It helps if you read and comprehend the comment chain to understand what is being discussed before you jump in with ‘I didn’t say that’ when I never claimed you did.
I don’t see why it’s so hard for you to actually read the comment chain. It is right there. You can re-read it at any time.
Counterpoint: filtering out the furry communities by blocking a single instance
The weirdo asian fetish guys are the worst.
Im a white guy and my wife just happens to be asian and they think that’s a pass to talk to me about how great submissive asian women are.
My wife is not even remotely submissive, she’s one of the strongest people I know and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Strong, capable women are so much more interesting than this fetish idea of an opinion-less submissive sex slave.
I think I was fairly clear, it is a binary system that has some rare exceptions.
Saying sex is a binary is saying there are only males and only females.
In healthy examples of mammals where development has occurred normally this is true.
This whole ‘its a spectrum’ argument is like saying humans aren’t bipedal, there’s a spectrum because some people are born without legs! It doesn’t make any sense.
That doesn’t mean that society should refuse to accept, include and support people born without the ability to walk.
their existence proves that sex isn’t just a binary.
This argument has always struck me as odd as in virtually every other discussion we would accept that the exception ‘proves the rule’.
Humans have two hands, except when they don’t due to something impacting fetal development.
Humans have two kidneys, except when they don’t due to an error in fetal development or as a result of disease or injury.
There’s diversity to sex that requires a more complicated scheme to account for everybody.
Or just let the exceptions be exceptions with no social stigma rather than refusing to recognise that the vast majority of humans, and mammals, can be accurately identified as one of two distinct sexes.
Honestly Korean brands are just not options anymore, between the ads from LG and Samsung, and the spying by Hyundai and Kia there’s simply no reason to buy their products.
I don’t care. There is zero benefit to me. Advertising scum can go kick rocks.
Where’s it go after aggregation? To advertisers.
I don’t care if it is better than the creepy shit advertisers do today because it doesn’t stop advertisers from continuing to do creepy shit.
All it does it give advertisers MORE data. It isn’t a replacement it is an addition.
I feel bad they had a monster for a father.