Thanks for the correction.
Thanks for the correction.
I had trouble with some watchfaces. Couldn’t get my favs working consistently.
My digital watch, a Pebble, stopped working. The company who maintained it got bought by Garmin. Garmin broke my digital watch 🙃.
I recently changed my body donation consent because of this. I consent to organ donation but not to scientific research. My brain cells are not down to participate in this shit!
USA has always been at war with Eastasia.
Step 1) use peer pressure to get teens on platform
Step 2) vendor lock-in to keep them as lifetime customers
Step 3) profit
I’m a fool ruled by my amygdala. My upvotes are often nonsense.
I think the D stands for ‘Division’. Divide groups with infighting such as wedge issues.
Uncertainty and doubt are synonymous. fights the fight in Canada. I’m not aware of any global organizations of that type.
THE Big Dipper’s angle can be used to tell time at northern latitudes. It stays in the sky all night. I was told by a Blackfoot elder that they used it as a clock on clear nights.
The position changes with both time of night and time of year. Regular observers can tell time by the angle the constellation sits at.