This tool is great! Thanks for creating it and making it public.
Also, is this the first Lemmy Hug of Death? If so, congrats, I think?
This tool is great! Thanks for creating it and making it public.
Also, is this the first Lemmy Hug of Death? If so, congrats, I think?
You’re a pretty cat, and a good cat.
If I’m not mistaken Sync’s dev is a relatively young guy (I recall reading he was a student a few years back) which likely means he hasn’t experienced the joys of vision going downhill with age like many of us old farts have.
Use the app that works for you. That’s why many of us are here, because Reddit took away that option to push their shit tier official app that’s far inferior to literally every third party app I ever tried.
I don’t understand the “slowly” part at all. I joined Lemmy about a month ago when Reddit third party apps went dark. Lemmy was largely a ghost town then, with most of the relatively mainstream communities I sought out having newest posts that were days or even weeks old. That desolation was gone after the first few days, with a ton more engagement from others who migrated over and a steady stream of new content. The communities I frequent have grown by leaps and bounds since then. “Slow” isn’t a word I’d use to describe Lemmy’s growth.
Happy for Infinity users. Legacy Reddit third party app users are feasting in the past couple of days with those apps moving over to Lemmy.
I was lamenting the lack of an NFL community here but no way in hell I’m joining a Dallas Cowboys community regardless of how much discussion it generates. 😆
I won’t mess with plumbing again after trying to replace my kitchen faucet only to discover that the shutoff was old and busted the moment I turned the knob, leading to water spraying out everywhere. Called in a plumber to fix it and it took him several hours to resolve–no chance I had the knowledge, skills, and tools to fix that.