I think it’s fine if you’re okay with the call from God part of it
I think it’s fine if you’re okay with the call from God part of it
I see thank you
Ohhh I see thank you
That is probably correct.
Scenario where legal team is able to pull something off:
Brave man gets best legal defense imaginable because of donations
Gets off or small sentence
Shows crazy people and billionaires this could happen again and people will help the suspect out
More progress is made.
How do I add your piracy community to my boost app?
I know. Lmao
I know, but the fall off in performance isn’t supposed to be severe
I heard people saying they could run the r1 32B model on moderate gaming hardware albeit slowly
Interested in how it does jellyfin, decent GPU or something else?
You’re a pretty smart person then lol
Making a murderer is all you have to see to know this is the truth. I feel so bad for that family.
I agree, but off grid solar requires a lot more panels and personal infrastructure owned by the customer than grid tied solar. and a storage solution for night time and winter and cloudy days.
A typical house isn’t going off grid and maintaining a worry free electric schedule without a minimum of 25,000$ of panels, mounts, inverters, batteries, BMS, cabling, installation, and permits.
To be fair, the cost is still less than the amount of time the system will last so economically is can be viable but who has 25,000$ just sitting around…you have to be able to install it yourself to save enough money to really even think about doing it.
I am on your side, but we should be focusing on storage technology right now because solar is honestly really advanced at this point. Once those technologies can work together all the arguments against solar that make sense disappear.
Because grid level power delivery is about FAR more than just raw wattage numbers. Momentum of spinning turbines is extremely important to the grid. The grid relies on generation equipment maintaing an AC frequency of 60 hz or 50hz or whatever a country decides on. Changing loads throughout the day literally add an amount of drag to the entire grid and it can drag the frequency down. The inverse can also happen. If you have fluctuating wind or cloud cover you can bring the whole grid down if you can’t instantly spin up other methods to pick up the slack.
reliable consistent power delivery is absolutely critical when it comes to running the grid effectively and that is something that solar and wind are bad at
Ideally we will be able to use those technologies to fill grid level storage (batteries, pumped hydro) to supply 100% of our energy needs in the not too distant future but until then we desperately need large, consistent, clean power generation.
It was such a ludicrous satire at the time and now it’s just moderately hyperbolic
Is this an ancient 4chan pasta?
You’re ignoring the point of why it’s useful and at this point, necessary, to have an above average understanding of technology to maintain any semblance of privacy in your life…you can do so much harm to yourself without ever knowing it just by having an Alexa or by having a Tesla.
At certain point it’s like what the fuck can we even do with things specifically like the tool this article is talking about but tech illiteracy isn’t excusable if this day and age anymore. The world demands a certain level of knowledge or you can and will be exploited.
Indeed. Hello poorish brother
Waco intensifies
I still love that movie IDC what anyone says lol