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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Sharp disagree there. I understand you need to keep some things, like the exact locations of the shelters, a secret, but right now things are so opaque it’s hard to even figure out how to check for what services might be available to you in your area. Like, literally, I wouldn’t even know where to look (google “DV shelters in <my area>”??? I guess? But then you have to worry about being scammed, and the conditions, and if they take kids / pets / male victims, and, and, and…)

    That’s a lot of fucking time and energy to waste trying to figure out where to even ask for help, let alone actually asking it. And if you’re in that situation, you do not have a lot of time and energy at your disposal.

    Would be so much easier to just have a hotline you could call that could help you figure out what options are avaliable to you and how to access them.

  • Maybe not quite what OP was imagining, but I was less focused on the extraction itself and more the destination: a network of safe, private residences you could flee to, then stay at until you’ve found a job and are ready to move into normal housing. Even better if they have psychological professionals on hand to help you deal with your trauma-- or hell, even staffers who’ll help you get in touch with psychological professionals and other resources to help you get back on your feet would be a big plus.

    As for the “extraction” itself, yeah, just going in guns blazing wouldn’t work. It’d probably have to vary from client to client. Could be something as simple as venmoing you money for an uber. Or maybe you could work together with the staffers on some kind of skullduggery scheme-- like you say you’re going out “grocery shopping”, then there’s a car waiting for you in the grocery store parking lot to take you to the shelters.

    Honestly, even just having a friendly voice on the other side of the phone helping you figure out a plan to get out would be a huge help.

  • Police don’t help you get out of your home. The best case scenario is they arrest your abuser, who’ll be back home the next morning (and hopefully won’t retaliate too severely against you for humiliating them). Then, weeks to months later you have a court date-- by which time, your abuser’s likely threatened you into saying whatever it takes to get them off the hook, and the judge is more than happy to play along so they can get you out the door and move onto other, “more important” cases.

    And again, that’s the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is your abuser convinces them you were actually the assaulter, and you’re the one going to jail instead! Actually, I lied, that’s the second-to-worst case scenario. Worst case scenario is the police do nothing, and leave you alone to deal with your abuser’s rage at almost getting them caught. Or, you know, they just charge in guns fucking blazing because your skin’s the wrong color.

  • This. People this controlling and with this little regard for other people’s rights and boundaries tend to react extremely poorly to having their control challenged. The most dangerous time in any abusive relationship is when the victim leaves-- and make no mistake, OP, that’s what’s happening to your friend. Escalation to physical violence in these circumstances would not be out of the ordinary.

    Please be careful, and make sure your friend has a plan to make sure she’s in a safe place where her soon-to-be-ex can’t get to her before she breaks up with him. And I would strongly recommend you both get a restraining order if that’s something you feel comfortable doing.

    I know this may sound paranoid, but it’s always best to err on the side of caution in potentially dangerous situations like these.

  • I remember hearing about a high-profile case where the AI would dock points if someone’s resume listed them as participating in women’s sports as an extracurricular, while giving extra points if it listed them as participating in men’s sports.

    Also, bias doesn’t necessarily have to come from happenstance. Unfortunately, humans tend to have unconcious (or, sometimes, not-so-unconcious) biases against women and people of color. There was a study where researchers sent identical resumes to a random group of recruiters-- but half of the resumes had a male name and half had a female name.

    They found that both male and female recruiters were more likely to rate the resumes with the male name higher and be more likely to recommend they be advanced to the next round of interviews. IIRC, similar studies have found similar results if you give the resumes a “Black sounding” name versus a “white sounding” name.

    So if you train an AI on your own company’s hiring data-- which is likely to be tainted by the unconcious bias of your own recruiters and hiring managers-- then the AI might pick up on that and replicate it in its results.