That’s very true. I mean it is weird that there’s not a Single problem on GitHub.
Interested in Music, Tech, and Photography. I’m always ready to strike up a conversation. Although I might not always be the most informed, please, enlighten me I am willing to learn. <3 Duncan
That’s very true. I mean it is weird that there’s not a Single problem on GitHub.
Really? I’ve never dove too much into the android emulator space. What makes Cassia so different from the others? Also I’m definitely gonna have to check out Box4Droid.
Yeah I would usually agree, but I mean it would make sense as this project is extremely new (came out like 6 days ago) so it probably doesn’t have that many users yet.
I think more people should have this kind of view, and less of an all or nothing approach.
That’s disgusting.
I just know that those 12 people who down voted this are also some of those superficial beings. Like really? Grow up, the products you use shouldn’t have any effect on your ability to be friends with someone. I find it extremely hard to believe that their are full grown adult human beings that believe this is.
That’s awesome!