Casual racism that only intensified the inequity. Realize it’s the billionaire class that’s benefiting from the in fighting.
Casual racism that only intensified the inequity. Realize it’s the billionaire class that’s benefiting from the in fighting.
How will this take place when kids won’t even respect a substitute teacher let alone an AI generated personality?
Immigrant parent that hates new immigrants. Of course, he’s a trump supporter.
Sure, and the cyber truck can be used as a flotation device.
A stable environment even
You’re looking at this as an economics issue. But I think it’s a fundamentally a biological or evolutionary artifact. Evolutionary biology has intraspecific competition for access to mates to mating opportunities as a driver for change.
Organisms work to prevent the resource from being exploited just like water, habitats, space, etc. It’s other women that would lose if access to mating opportunities are tied with monetary transactions, and a few would benefit. Minimizing prostitution helps the female of the species be more selective about their mates, and increases the “value” of their interactions.
Male orangutans don’t have their faces completely covered with hair. So it’s not just humans.
Looks like someone watched The Wraith recently.
This was the plot line to the movie Robots. The solution was socialized medicine.
It’s learning to be a typical high school student.
The fact that any group aside from white men voted for trumpism is the issue. The disconnect was the complicit main stream media sane washing the craziness. They put racism/homophobia/fascism on the same level as Harris’ policies.