I would love to have a Brompton or something like that for the same reason. Or easier to take it to other cities to ride.
I would love to have a Brompton or something like that for the same reason. Or easier to take it to other cities to ride.
I’m hyped I loved the first season.
I’m a cyclist myself and a few members of my family went out and bought ebikes before they would even go on casual kid friendly rides with me on their traditional bikes. While I appreciate the ebike making people more confident biking I feel like the people I know with ebikes could have literally just used a traditional bike and in a month they wouldn’t find it hard.
You’d be surprised how easy biking is. Plus the more you do it the easier it gets.
Yeah that’s a good point. I don’t think you can kill a statue. I wonder if they petrified him and then killed him. I also wonder when the last time he was seen. Like does anyone alive remember him.
Looks like the Kingdom of Science needs to make a play now. Also I don’t think the revival fluid will revive the great leader capsule lad’s dad. He seems pretty skeletal.
You guys going to age up Trunks and Goten? Actually removed you for asking we’re going to age down everyone.
We got Hypnosis Mic! If you haven’t watched it think Jojos but they rap to activate their stands.
Even though I will admit this show is kinda trashy I really dug the first season and can’t wait for this one.
Well I sure hope this school has a student’s code of conduct so that they can expel their new problematic as fuck student.
Anyone else feel a little sick watching Rudy be racist, and then kidnap and sexually assult two people?
Rudy can’t get it up… to the top of the ranking.
I mean we watched the studio get overrun by zombies. I don’t know what we expected haha.
Rudy be like maybe it’s not ED it’s just that I’m gay.
The main issue in Rudeus’ life being ED is the perfect motivator for that scumbag. I’m excited to see what going to school is going to teach our boy.
I really vibe with this show. It’s fun, not super serious, and really about a guy trying to find himself.
Classic Rudeus fucking things up with women. I had a feeling that getting smashed and going to a brothel all night would bite him in the ass.
Sonny Boy is another anime like that. Go in blind and have fun.
This is the most relatable episode of anime I’ve ever watched. I’m on holidays and a few of my friends plan on day drinking on like Tuesday this week. I’m probably going to force us to watch this episode. The beer song also iconic. Truly best boy of the season.
I didn’t mention people with disabilities. I’m very pro people with disabilities buying and using ebikes. What I am attempting to get across is that a lot of people would do great with trying to cycle before dropping big money on an ebike.