deleted by creator
deleted by creator
This kicks me to Let me try a different link.
I can’t help you with the political side because as long as the place is LGBTQ±friendly and anti-bigotry I tend not to care, and I try to avoid overtly political spaces online for my own peace of mind. But as an LGBTQ+ agnostic who was raised with a religious background, I can tell you some places I found on Reddit. I know it’s kind of sacrilege to direct people there, especially on the Fediverse where a lot of us left Reddit for here, but I figure looking for people who will accept you instead of tossing vitriol your way takes priority here, just like I would not begrudge anyone who relies on r/stopdrinking for staying.
No idea what your religion is, this reflects my own background, so sorry in advance if it is not useful, but at least you’ll know you are not alone.
r/QueerTheology, r/OpenChristian and a ton of the Related Subreddits on their sidebar. I remember r/OpenCatholic, r/GayChristians. If you click around on the sidebars of these I think they can also help you find related places for other religions and being LGBTQ+. I swear there was a subreddit for leftist Christians but I don’t remember the name anymore. It might have died in the API drama or not.
Although as far as I know you might want to know that this is a place for promoting a new community, not searching for one. Not actually sure where you are supposed to go to search for one, though…
It is aesthetically pleasing to me and I understand what’s going on. I’m no data scientist, so my standards on how to arrange data might be far lower than yours. If you’re interested in setting minimum standards for data posted here, that might be an interesting thread for discussion.
I read their reply less as “rtfm” and “I cannot answer that question because you asked if I came to any conclusions with the data, and well, I didn’t because this is someone else’s, let me credit them!” Although I agree they could have just posted the other person’s conclusions too, instead of just linking the Reddit source.
The original Reddit poster didn’t come to any real conclusions, but I can post everything they said relevant to the data:
The count can’t be 100% accurate but we’ve done the best we can: I suspect that we had some kids come back for seconds the first year and we didn’t catch it.
We’ve done full-size bars every year, added glow sticks last year and the kids have gone nuts over it. I like how it makes them more visible to drivers/etc., too.
Also, they are from
Puyallup, WA, housing development with many nearby.
More people on the Fediverse is good. I don’t want to tell people “maybe stay on Reddit”, discouraging them to use it and maybe making them feel unwelcome and unwanted when they are not being cruel to others or spammy.
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
I was literally typing a reply about how it still is useful to onlookers and how I have had my mind changed as a third party witness to online arguments before, and then I saw this. Thanks for doing that!
That’s how I felt about Kbin way back when. I hope PieFed grows and works out!
As an out of touch person, I have a possible explanation for this: have you ever said “shit” repeatedly as something goes wrong? I imagine some people would write a story where that happens and write it as “shitshitshit” and not “shit shit shit”. But outside of that situation I have never seen or heard “shitshit”.
deleted by creator is a whole sports instance, and the instance as a whole definitely passes the “at least a post per week” requirement
Yep, definitely not new, but in the past I have seen people promote not-new communities that nonetheless are tiny and have not been posted here before so I figured it was okay. If you’re concerned this sub is losing its purpose you might want to message the mod about changing the rules or something. I do not mind seeing old communities here but my opinion is not the only one that matters, and ! does exist even if it gets far less traffic.
On one hand I get your point, but on another if you spend most of your time learning (but through other formats than books: through quality online articles or videos, and not eBooks) then it does not seem so bad to me.
I am reading nearly 24/7 but I complete a full actual book maybe once a year. Might be bigger if you count the books that have also (legally) been wholly posted online, but I often forget them because I read them just like an extra-long article: on my phone. I read peoples’ original fiction that they post online so I’m not sure whether to count it or not.
I like longer articles but I do admit that I consume so much less long-form content than I did as a child. At least I avoid TikTok and Reels and the like? (Not to be elitist, but because I know I specifically would get addicted and waste my life. Very bad for my particular ADHD brain.) Also something something possible link between lower attention spans and only consuming short-form content. So I get the general gist of your idea and agree even if I do not particularly agree with the emphasis on the medium of books.
Ooh a PieFed community! Wonder how that’ll play with Mbin and Lemmy. Followed. Hope this along with the more mainstream textile hobby communities convince me to actually engage in my textile hobbies more often.
Personal Knowledge Management and the like!
A decent explanation on what a digital garden is. Kind of at the intersection of PKMS and blogging. You can keep continually editing and it is not meant to be perfect, somewhat like an online journal you keep, something something learning in public.
That link punted me off my instance to, here’s another one !
This is exactly why I chose Mbin: to help diversify Threadiverse software.
I get this is about mainstream social media and the Fediverse is not mainstream, but I still find it funny to have a community titled “antisocialmedia” on… well… social media.