I think Amazon smile got axed in early 2023
I think Amazon smile got axed in early 2023
I can see this random tweet from Taylor Swift just fine in incognito mode. I can’t look at replies but I can see her posts.
People on Lemmy link to tweets all the time and I can navigate and read them. Not sure what you mean then that it’s authwalled. It’s an annoying experience and it bugs me every time I visit to make an account or log in, but I can see them.
So let’s say on Twitter, someone blocks me and I can’t read their post. Can’t I just log out and read their post that way? I don’t have a Twitter account, so I’ve never seen a blocked link before.
Very disruptive. Landfills typically bury the day’s trash at the end of the day and it’s just layers and layers of garbage, like lasagna. You might be able to work on Monday’s trash slice, but by the time Thursday rolls around, it’s time to add a layer on top of Monday.
Digging could interrupt the entire landfill process if it’s still an active landfill, meaning the daily garbage has to be redirected elsewhere, because landfills aren’t just a hole in the ground, they are a feat of engineering.
If you’re talking about what Google or Microsoft offer as a login tool, it’s basically a file hidden on your physical PC so when you attempt to login to a service that wants it, the service gets a password from you and the passkey from your actual device to authenticate you.
For example, I have passkey enabled on my windows PC that my Google account has a passkey in. Anytime I access the built in password manager in chrome, Windows now gives me a pop up for a PIN number, and then windows will authenticate on my behalf with the hidden passkey.
If I need to access my password manager from my phone or another computer, I have to use my Google password instead since my passkey isn’t on those physical devices.
I believe Microsoft stores your passkey files on your motherboards TPM module, but I could be wrong.
Undecided voters aren’t undecided between Trump and Harris, they are undecided on leaving the couch to go vote.
So I don’t really think it’s changing the mind of voters and I don’t see it motivating people to go vote.
Just seems like an attempt at counter narrative for “Comrade Harris”. I don’t see it moving the needle.
Not saying you and I would call it “ethical” but there are for profit companies who will pay for someone’s funeral expenses to claim the body and sell it to researchers, universities, etc. So they didn’t donate their body to science but their family sold it because they couldn’t afford the service on their own.
Maybe not ethical, but legal, and therefore they may be able to claim it’s “ethical” in advertising.
Well, for almost a decade the GOP has had time to come up with their vision. They ran on “Repeal and Replace” in the 2016 cycle. But when it came time to vote to repeal, they still didn’t have a replace option.
Prices didn’t go down when the 2018 tax cuts reduced corporate tax by about 30%, I doubt when the ACA gets repealed and insurance companies can drop the uninsurable people they will lower the prices for healthy Americans, because they are already anchored at the higher price.
Technically that’s true, because it changed the law where you can’t be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions, but I’m guessing OP means he uses the marketplace thingy instead of having insurance provided by work.
(Also, the affordable care act didn’t force you to have insurance, it was a tax penalty to not have insurance, but the 2018 tax act set that penalty to $0)
The fact you even look at politics puts you in like, the top 20% of the US population.
I would wager the majority of people that do vote, just look for an R or D next to a name and check the box for their team and move on.
There were about 160 million people who voted in 2020, an unprecedented amount of engagement from the voting populace, and still not half of Americans voting.
People don’t really care. Do they have a job? Are their basic needs met? If yes, vote incumbent, if no, vote competition. I expect to see tweets in November asking where Biden went and who is Kamala.
For sure, just offering some silver linings to them :)
I do use a pixel, so the camera bump goes across the entire back, so there is no rocking
To add on to everyone else mentioning it, another benefit to password managers is that they auto filter themselves to the URL. So if you have a password saved for macys.com and get phished to macys-passwordreovery.com, the password manager won’t know the URL and offer no filtering. Adding the extra step of having to manually find your password entry should be a flag itself that something might be wrong.
I’m all for the camera bump. I can lay my phone on my desk and it’s slightly tilted towards me so I can read notifications without having to move my head directly above it.
Also, while holding the phone, i can use a finger under the bump for stability and to keep it from sliding down. I don’t use a case, and all these glass backed phones can be a bit slick.
All praise the camera bump overlords! \[T]/
We have waiting times too, the more elective it is the longer it is.
For my yearly checkup, the first time I went, their first availability was 3 months later. It’s the same time every year now because I book next years appointment at each visit.
I thought I needed a CPAP, I had to wait a week to get the home sleep study equipment and then two more weeks to meet with the doctor. I had a copay of $50 with that doctor but had to buy the CPAP for about $800
I scheduled a vasectomy and it took 3 months for the consult and another 6 for the procedure and it cost $750 out of pocket.
I pay $350/no for my insurance plan which has now has no copays and no coinsurance until I reach my yearly deductible of $3500 (which means I pay 100% of all medical costs before my insurance does anything) and my employer covers about $300/mo. So $7800/yr in total to basically just have protection in case a major accident happens.
July 16th is the 197th day of the year on non leap years. July 17th is the 199th day of the year on leap years.
Both of those are prime.
Our company pays for TeamViewer, and I still get nagged all the time, so there’s no point in giving them money, they still nag you all the time.
Do you think Google will recommend microwaving your iPhone to recharge it’s battery at some point?
Man, just know my dental plan would take a study like this to move to once a year cleanings :(
I like getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist
Verge article where the claim is due to ad blocker mitigation and not browser specific.
You said that you heard it was ad blocker related too. So the initial wave of reports about it being Firefox was inaccurate. Every article about it all sourced a singular reddit post. Just some social media “journalism”.
Anecdotally, which I understand is not a great measure, I didn’t experience this when it was first being reported on. But I pay for YouTube premium, so maybe that’s a difference too
That feature is now built into chrome.