Nope, testosterone is a hell of a drug. There is a reason women dope with it.
Nope, testosterone is a hell of a drug. There is a reason women dope with it.
Recently it has been disclosed that the dev team have added a new member
Yeah they do, along with Bentley. Not sure about any regulations, but I do know that they are usually (always?) Not rigidly fix any more. You would have to look at the EU to know for sure. I don’t believe that America has any pedestrian impact standards. Hell the the DOT crash standards for passengers are a joke.
That is very true. It doesn’t mean it is ethical. It is quite common for people who are disabled, have a disease, or what not to be overly optimistic about success. Which caused them to be more willing to make poorly informed decisions.
Experiments like these are not inherently bad, but it is very easy to receive informed consent from the participant when they are not fully informed. That is why studies like this in academia require an ethics panel to review them.
To give an Elon musk’s track record with his various companies. I think it is completely reasonable to question the ethics of this study.
Yes they sure did. I don’t believe any Tesla ever shipped with Lidar, maybe some did. The big thing that they removed/disabled was the radar. They did this because the radar and visual cameras would disagree about where things were. So instead of spending more R&D time to get it right. They just removed the radar and called it solved.
What’s a few 100,000 deaths compared to progress?
Sadly because everything else I have tried is even worse
Sadly looks like we have an answer
You are a hundred percent right, but how many idiots are there out there?
Lol. I actually used to know a guy that claimed he used to have computer setup with a small thing to thermite on his hard drive and had set it up so if there were too many wrong passwords it would set the igniter off for the thermite. I don’t know if you really, did but he definitely had the technical skills to do that. He was one of those extreme early adopters of BSD and Linux who never used GUI. Oh and he was batshit crazy, legitimately I can see him thinking that was a good idea.
Some day historians will be able to look back at this moment and be able to determine it was what caused ChatGPT to become horny and weird.
Totally, though the hyperbole defense is real and much easier to argue. They will just say that Musk is part hype man for Tesla. Rhetorical hyperbole has been confirmed by the supreme Court to be a first amendment protected activity. You may feel this is dumb, but was also how John Oliver was able to repeatedly tell Bob Murray to eat shit.
I bet if this goes to trial his lawyers are just going to argue that no reasonable person would believe these claims. That is just hyperbole there for it is not fraud.
Because mom is and will always just be mom
It really depends on the type of glass some glass transmits UV light and some types reflect UV light. And that is not taking into account the pile of other factors that will affect it.
Nope regardless of the situation. Thermite is always the best solution
So if I am reading this right thermite is the safest way to permanently delete my data right?
That is what thermite is for.
And for today’s headlines that say something completely different than the article.
For those that don’t want to read the article. China has just quit reporting their new super computers to the list of the top super computers. Not quit making them.
They are trying to hide the specs of their new ones. This is just a saber rattle national security thing.
All a drug is a chemical substance when administered to a living organism, produces a biological effect.
Hormones are just naturally produced chemical substance. As soon as you dope with it is becomes a drug.