I can hear that thing from here. We had so many of these damn things in the IBM lab I worked in. They got super hot too. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I weep for your power bill, lol.
I can hear that thing from here. We had so many of these damn things in the IBM lab I worked in. They got super hot too. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I weep for your power bill, lol.
While I agree that when the tip option comes up at the register when someone is literally handing something back to me (like takeout) is sort of ridiculous. However, that’s vastly different than someone going to the store on your behalf, checking out, driving to your house and walking all items to your front door does probably merit a tip. While I agree, some tipping suggestions from Instacart are a bit on the high side, think of the human being on the other side of this service. If you truly don’t want to tip, you’re welcome to get your own goddamned groceries. Food for thought.
They certainly know how to find them, am I right (nudges J12)?
Or just dumb luck, which was my case.
And can contain some fun ascii art.
Had more to do with the 5k per night price point. Which still makes no logical sense to anyone.
Science is a liar sometimes
Don’t assume that we’re all initiated. What gif?