Yeah, and even if they got one… they just like going up breast milk???
Yeah, and even if they got one… they just like going up breast milk???
But for Spotify they are tracking how many times you played different songs. Not trying to defend them, but for a music service I’m pretty sure they need to track that kind of information regardless. Might as well tally it up and show your own data to you
I wasn’t aware cigarettes contained any plastic at all
Right, the metric at the top is “predicted reliability” - how can that even be quantified? You buy a new car, you haven’t owned it long, please tell us how reliable you think this might be in the future
Frank Underwood for re-election
Only to check and make sure I look normal every now and then.
I hate when the person sharing their screen brings up their view of the video chat, so now I see myself full screen and I don’t want that
You should try bath thoughts instead
Articles like this always have a photo of at least one device showing a giant logo of the company for some reason
It kinda happened for us, sometime messages wouldn’t send for an hour, and then a chat would just re-order all the messages so that nothing made sense any more.
Yep, I’ve done it accidentally before. I replied to what I thought was a mastodon account but it was a Lemmy sub. All the comments on that thread come to me on mastodon as replies.
Since I did it by accident, and they also didn’t know it, we were all very confused for a while.
I don’t keep my sheep in my bedroom.
That would be a Fuddit
I believe what you want might not be an individual setting, but just part of the currently selected theme.
You might actually want to check your monitor brightness and contrast settings. Find a test pattern and follow calibration instructions.