When you think you are bragging, or something, but you are actually just doing hypotheticals wrong…
Move out of the US.
Get my healthcare dealt with (not bad, but i definitely avoid stuff just so I don’t have I pay or deal with the VA absolute bullshit…I am thankful for it Incase something tragic happens…but otherwise, I’d rather suffer.).
Then I would build a house and start a mellow business like a boardgame cafe or something of the like.
There would be other stupid frivolous spending, but getting set and comfortable would be priority.
The corporate courts are on their way, chummer.
I heard PregNog before, but it had me rolling.
Russia has been a world bad guy for as long as we have been alive and have spent some time now displaying their impotence to the world. USA joining the New Axis Powers as the last superpower makes trump far more dangerous.
8 magastupids of emails
What an apple thing for google to do.
hhhhhhhwoffer thin
brOURser comrade.
Ignorance and gullibility. I fall for misinformation all the time, especially when it confirms my own biases and it takes real effort to maintain a mindset of “yes this sounds true, but is it actually?” It is also terribly inefficient. If someone tells me, when I was a kid, that daddylonglegs spiders are the most poisonous, I am likely going to just go “neat” and now I think that and say it. If you stop and verify EVERYTHING EVER you have no time to do anything in life. This makes the filter of critical thinking…critical.
Also, it isn’t about being stupid (though that helps). Some of the smartest people I know are conspiracy theory nutjobs. They can easily draw parallels between disparate facts, but can’t filter their findings or understand correlation doesn’t equal causation.
That is correct and not relevant. Being an ignorant twit that is pretty much the first lady and has likely always wanted robot guard dogs, and so suggested them to trump…is kinda on brand though.
Because musk is an ignorant child redditor…that is why.
LoL, AJ lost the Info War. 🤣👍
If I have to spell it out for the slow folks “immigration”=“border crisis”.
Happy to help!
Americans deserve everything that is about to happen.
When the most important is something that isn’t even real…gj America. Fools.
Toys-R-Us fell…nothing is forever.