Unfortunately a lot of consumers don’t understand this. Even if they use “pro” apps daily. These same people will fall for Apples marketing tricks here regardless.
Unfortunately a lot of consumers don’t understand this. Even if they use “pro” apps daily. These same people will fall for Apples marketing tricks here regardless.
Lots more than just server issues with CS2 unfortunately haha. (No workshop support, no community server tools, VaCLives been a meme, busted map collision, etc.) But im sure valve will get it fixed up sooner than later… i hope…
1: there is, but at this point its pretty niche and scattered. Lots of its hush-hush due to like you said potential security/insurance concerns. Mostly used for cracking and getting system/diagnostics readouts and error codes, Fob cloning, etc. without forking out cash to do so through the so called “proper channels”.
2: not that I’ve seen, and from they software they do use it seems mainly in house additions.
Though im not super into the scene, and i see it growing rapidly over the next few years seeing manufacturers keep doing some scummy shit to lock down their products.
Edit: fat fingered post before i finished typing it out oops.
Id say they are most likely in good health. But anything could happen. Always reccomend having a backup option in place.
Agreed, i mainly mention Crystaldisk because its a quick free tool. Definitely reccomend using multiple avenues of info gathering to determine hardware health.
You can track the health status of most smart enabled ssds. Can use a tool like crystal disk info
Personally i have 2 7 year old ssds going strong without issue. Mainly used for storage and games, so the r/w rates been pretty lower on them.
Ssds do have a total maximum write cycles to nand. Really depends on the use cases over the 5 years.
Ah yes the clips! I stand corrected haha.
I haven’t owned an Apple product since the ipod nano, so the only lightning cables im used too, are user owned devices, which are normally chewed up without the little side clips functioning.
Ty, for the reminder!
In that reasoning they made confuses me.
I’ve also never had a usb-c just fallout/ feel non-secure. You’d think with the increased surface area with the usb-c ring fitting between the port wall and the center peg of the port would increases gripyness logically. Vs The single peg insert of a lightning cable.
But eh, im no physics doctor.
Look around the used market in your area. Likely can build a cheap baremetal system.
It might be best in the learning stages to keep your lab seperate from your daily driver machines, incase you mess up.
Yep exactly what i stated, you can create local accounts. It’s dumb you have to do the work around, i agree with that.
I agree its a load of garbage. But that wasn’t the point of my statement vs. the directly quoted protion of the article i was referencing and reaponding to. The article list those issues as defaco issues, which they are solveable as i stated and was pointing out. Which occur in other OSs. Not to the extent of the garbage of windows 11.
Nothing i stated is untrue. You took the meaning and spun the context of my statement and spun it into me defending microsoft and windows11. Which i never did once.
Well of course. Some bozo said i lied, then miss-quoted me, then tried to discredit me based off their own made up bullshit.
Sorry for standing up for myself i guess haha?
Yep i agree. That is why i prefer using Linux distros as my general use OSs.
Was just mainly pointing out the articles fallacies in their reasoning from the section i specifically quoted.
Depends on user competencies with computers. It really isn’t difficult to full remove. Its even easier to disable like you mentioned, and for most common users, out of site out of mind is a fine option.
Now i do think having to do so is dogshit and should not have to be the case. I’m just saying what i specifically quoted from the article, are not fully true.
They ask about both diagnostic and telemetry options. Ubuntu 22.04. Default GUI prompts this during account fist login. Rocky 8 with default GUI asks this on initial user account login. Those are just the two i used over this past weekend.
At no point did i say it was the 20 questions that windows tosses at you. I purley stated it still happens.
So you can suck my dick with your shitty attitude trying to discredit me and my statement by misinterpretation and spinning what i said into your own dog shit interpretation.
(Mostly) mandatory Microsoft account sign-in.
Setup screen asking you about data collection and telemetry settings.
A (skippable) screen asking you to “customize your experience.”
A prompt to pair your phone with your PC.
IDK man win11 is pretty simple to “debloat” and most of the shit in this article that they complain about is common on multiple Linux, Apple, android, etc. setup/install processes.
Win11 is dogshit for a variety of reasons, like the shitty new start menu formatting/lay out. The god awful menu nesting. The laggy audio panel. The list goes on.
If we’re gonna be nitpicking an OS. Atleast nitpick shit that actually impacts operation and isnt also common on many OS’
Edit: alright some of you keep spinning this as me defending dog shit windows 11… i never did nor did i state it was a good OS. Bunch of over zealous wierdos.
Wholey depends on the content of said delivery platforms. Tik-tok content does tend to lean towards mindless entertainment. If it was a bunch of learning or information content as the majority, people would have less of stink about it.
Too much of anything is bad obviously.
2020’s the decade of the .jpg wars. Lmao.
Linus always came off to me as one of those people who shouldn’t be mangement. Idk, just watching him in videos feels frustrating, and he seemed to belittle his employees in a joking/non-joking manner.
Some of the other “techs” do seem to be very knowledgeable, and i feel bad for them to have to work under a man child.
Same here in Canada. I think its legitimate learners. Not sure why you think age has anything to do with it, theres no max age to learn to drive. Hell, my late grandma didn’t get her licence/learners permit until she was in her 60s.
Could be related to an influx of immigrations as well, plenty of people didn’t have the luxury to get a drivers licence or own a vehicle.
That or people are just too lazy to remove them haha.