I’m terribly sorry that I’ve had to dumb down my point so far for people to understand it that you now think it’s yours.
Good day.
I’m terribly sorry that I’ve had to dumb down my point so far for people to understand it that you now think it’s yours.
Good day.
It’s both. Phenotyping sex is the common method of determining it because it’s really easy and it’s accurate enough in 99% of cases.
Sexing through genotyping is 100% accurate, but it’s time consuming, comparatively expensive, and only relevant in a tiny handful of cases.
Use a stupid meme to cover up your lack of point or even basic understanding without using a stupid meme to cover up your lack of point or even basic understanding.
We need to move to single payer healthcare and just eliminate the need for insurance companies.
I was speaking figuratively when I said all babies are swaddled. You decided to chime in with an irrelevant AkShEwAlLy, so claiming I’m too ignorant to participate in the conversation is very much a case of the pot calling the kettle black. I accept you lack the capacity as a person to admit you were wrong and concede, so instead I bid you good day and hope that someday someone better than you will inspire you to become better yourself.
Explain to me how you saw a link covering literal and figurative language and still decided to ask such an ignorant question.
Is this some type of competition to see who can know the least about biology? Because you’re definitely acting like it’s a competition to know the least about biology. I think the walrus is still edging you out slightly. Maybe up your game a bit.
We do have a unique gender for everyone, we just don’t have words for each specific position on the spectrum because it’s so variable. That’s why we have umbrella terms like nonbinary or gender fluid.
Sex is binary. It is “enshrined in biology”. There are exactly two sexes. Female (x only) and male (x and y). The doctor classifies your phenotypic sex (what genitalia you have) at birth because it’s the same as your genotypic sex (whether you have a y chromosome) 99.99% (before you waste your time claiming it’s AkShEwAlLy 99.98%, Google hyperbole) of the time. You can be a genotype male and present as a phenotype female. Your sex in this case is male, but your doctor would have filled out your birth certificate as female.
You just do not have any idea what you are talking about about but seem unwilling to let that stop you. It’s that simple.
So not at birth then?
Since we’re just linking wikipedia articles that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
No, sex is a biological characteristic and the doctor is describing your phenotypic sex based on observable characteristics. This really isn’t that complicated. There are two* combinations of chromosomes that determine sex, so there are two sexes. This is basic biology and has absolutely fuckall to do with gender as a social construct.
* Really there are around a half dozen sex chromosome combinations because they occasionally get duplicated. Functionally there are two because all of the combinations except 1 have a y chromosome and are male
So not at birth?
No it’s not. Unless you’re suggesting you collectively thought my dick into existence.
You’re right. No one has ever swaddled a baby, certainly not often enough that we have a specific word for it. It stands to reason no one has ever handed a baby to their mother either.
When does your mother start treating you differently based on sex?
Now that I think about it, you’re right. If you’re a male, you get swaddled and handed to your mother, but if you’re female, you get swaddled and handed to your mother.
Shouldn’t it be that you identify with your birth sex? If gender is a social construct you don’t have a gender at birth. When the doctor says “It’s a boy” they’re referring to the genitalia you have, not assigning you a social position.
Cannabis is the problem from the post if you could roll it up and smoke it, which you can.
plans to pursue changes” that would let regular users vote moderators out more easily
I think that’s a good thing in the long run. A lot of reddit moderators are absolutely shit people, and having an actual process to remove them is a good thing.
It should go without saying fuck u/spez and that his motives here are absolutely malicious in nature, but I do see some small good coming from this.
Sure. Where are they talking? Is it in a fanciful location or anywhere with a window? Itf so, it’s probably CGI.
I rest my case. I guess I can add wrong and objectively to the list of words you don’t know.