On the contrary, Obama was an intelligent, well-spoken black (shudder) person that wore tan once. It’s obviously his fault.
On the contrary, Obama was an intelligent, well-spoken black (shudder) person that wore tan once. It’s obviously his fault.
I was about to correct you and tell you the Evil Council was French, but that’s Kung Pow, not Kung Furry, and I’m a dumb.
Freedom powder.
That’s not really an authentic American meal unless you deep fry it in HFCS.
Fuck that show. Fuck the Halo show. Fuck each and every company that just buys a name and thus a built-in fan base and mutilates the original IP beyond recognition.
You’re either deliberately obtuse, or simple reading comprehension is beyond you. Either way, waste of time explaining anything.
Wwwaaahhh! Defending Nazis gets people to say mean things to me!
E: got dam autocorrupt
Your just gonna piss your ignorance all over this thread, like an old incontinent weiner dog, aintcha?
“Ignore your lying eyes.”
Fuckin’ Nazi apologists.
Them is am very smort! All smort people is am know!
I quit watching rooster teeth and achievement hunter around the same time they started putting Ryan in everything. I never liked the dude, something felt off. This 'splains that feeling.
The instructions are to put your own oxygen mask on first before aiding others…
e: ducking autocorrupt
“Holy false equivalence, Batman!”
Trump won’t do everything right, but he’s taking an axe to the federal government, and that is always a good thing.
You’re either five and the phone should be taken away, or about to become very aware how fucking stupid this take is.
Don’t let the Musk administration see this, or Disney is gone get hit with the NO DEI stick.
Dangling a jeep over a cliff while escaping a Mormon bishop.