Tickets/Voucher for a rock climbing centre could be up his alley.
If you want something that will last you could get him a powder bag, or his first Carabiner as well.
Be prepared that the climbing place might not let him use the Carabiner in conjunction with their equipment though, so it might sit around until he got his own harness if he ever went that far. Powder bag would be all good.
You haven’t considered all the possible intended outcomes the participants envisage in the consumption of the icecream.
It may generally be agreed that strawberry is best, therefore, everyone takes strawberry as their first choice until it runs out, and then maybe vanilla is eaten, the final flavour, chocolate, is finally consumed because there is no other choice and by the time you reach the chocolate all the participants, while agreeing chocolate is the worst, also now have a mild sugar addiction that requires satiation.
In this case the work of consuming the worst flavour is postponed in favour of all participant’s greater enjoyment of earlier scoops, rather than endured as a necessary part of every scoop.
Also scooping across the flavours spreads the chocolate across everything.
Also chocolate doesn’t belong in icecream, it belongs in bars.
Why yes, chocolate is my least fav! How did you guess?