I literally just had my finger over the order button for one of these Nokia 3310 Remakes, but I didn’t order
Father, Reddit refugee, EDC, Tech, 3D Printing, Retro Gaming
I literally just had my finger over the order button for one of these Nokia 3310 Remakes, but I didn’t order
Of course! Here is the PSU Foot:
For my PSU it was a bit too thick, but I managed to mount it anyway.
Here is the Cover I made myself:
And fan cover is just some basic 92mm cover, there are plenty out there.
The Mainboard housing also is my own creation, but I failed horribly with the screw holes for the board, so I strapped it in there using cable ties for now. I have to make another version some day that is good enough to be uploaded.
Oh yes, me too :D I got one for the waste of each material I am printing. PLA, PETG and TPU
For anyone interested in the upgrading process of my Aquila… I just posted my printer
Ah okay, I already thought someone stole my design (not that it would have any financial impact, but even though I would be mad - I would at least want to be mentioned as this - even though its „just“ a remix - took hours to make). Thank you, that would be interesting :)
The old one is printed on my standard Voxelab Aquila. The new one also is printed on the same Voxelab Aquila, but heavily modified in the meantime (DirectDrive, PEI bed, Enclosure, Filament dryer, Octoprint, Electronics placed outside the enclosure for better cooling and so on…)
That’s because the base of my model is whity‘s parametric box (but from printables. It’s also linked to my model). I modified it‘s dimensions and added the divider + TPU Inserts + Logo on top, so that it fits the Retroid. But I don’t know the model from thingiverse, do you have a link? Is there a exact copy of my Retroid box?
I already tried that, didn’t work. I increased the runout distance and sent some M412 commands to configure everything before a test print. It then seemed to work, but when I cut the Filament to simulate a runout it didn’t work. Sending the sensor back if I can’t get it to run this weekend
I also learned about them just recently. I had to move my printer over in my homeoffice and I was a bit concerned about noise and fine dust, so I looked up what I can do and stumbled across these. Not doing that much about noise, but as I switched all of my printers fans to Noctua ones that’s not a big problem. Big advantage is my prints look cleaner and stick better to the build plate, as it is always at constant heat, even if I open my windows. And I at least think the dust stays in there, as there is no more „3D printer smell“ if you get what I mean :D Can absolutely recommend this.
It’s this one:
SUNLU 3D-Drucker-Gehäuse, konstante 3D-Drucktemperatur für ABS 3D-Drucker-Filament, Ender 3/3 PRO 3D-Drucker-Gehäuse, bietet viel Platz, feuerfest, Größe 650 * 550 * 750mm https://amzn.eu/d/dPwi2Uv
It’s actually made for 3D printers
They do, I tried. I wanted to order a HDD Flex cable for another project, but it’s very expensive. I would have to pay nearly 30€ for shipping while the cable costs around 2€ + taxes. That’s one expensive little flex cable. Was also having an eye on those wine red back covers, but even the back cover is 20€+30€ shipping. That’s 50€ just for a back cover… They really have some cool stuff, but with these shipping costs to Germany I guess I will have to stick with AliExpress.
They really do have some nice stuff. Maybe there are some parts I could use for a second one. Do you know if they deliver to Germany?
Thank you! Yes I know, but I wanted it to look like it was looking back then when I got it :)
My pleasure :) I read about it already a few years ago, but the parts where pretty expensive back then. But now they’re really cheap on AliExpress. Definitely recommend this!
Ah okay, yes absolutely. I made this upgrade because my iPod battery already was dead and the hard drive didn’t sound very good. It was sitting in my closet for years now waiting for me to do something with it. As this is my first iPod reincarnation I decided to not invest much money, so I went as cheap as possible. But I couldn’t be any happier with how it came out. Playing with the idea of getting another one from eBay to prepare for my wife, my sister or my daugther. But this one here will stay mine, it always has been and it always will be as I connect a lot of memories with it.
There wasn’t that much space left as I went with the CF to microSD adapter, so I got a 650mah battery. Still gets me through a whole workday of constantly playing music. But with the iflash you might have some more space. What model do you have? 60gb?
Oh yes it does, and I also love it :D
I think most people from there are also in this community. Plus I don’t want to spam people’s feeds :)
Sorry for the late answer. It’s this one: