I love this. Thank you.
I love this. Thank you.
What a top-tier tip. I’m one of those people who have uBlock Origin but never knew about this. Thank you!
I try to keep an open mind, especially because I’m immigrant who has other concerns outside the US sociopolitical sphere, but this is exactly one of the things I immediately saw happening given the demographic of people paying for Twitter Blue.
Just curious since I just got into it… what other issues did you have? If you’re comfy with saying, of course.
I’d been smoking cigarettes for 11 years and just switched to vaping 2 months ago. My lungs feel much, much better. I can walk up multiple flights of stairs/longer distances without getting winded. My mouth also no longer has that eternal burnt paper taste, especially when I wake up in the mornings.
So for the purposes of what I switched to vaping for - to ease back on destroying my lungs - vaping/e-cigs work. I used to smoke 2 packs in about a week and a half. I’d say the amount I vape now is the equivalent of 1 pack every month (I don’t constantly hit it throughout the day).
I have no doubt that inhaling vapor with that density is still not good, but it’s better than what I was doing previously.
As for helping to quit the habit entirely, I think that’s the opposite of their goal. All these fruity flavors they keep coming out with seem like they’re designed to be popped like candy.
Also disappointed, but kinda expected this to happen. I wanted to get the Phone (2) but at this amount it’s just not worth it. Meanwhile the Phone (1) is also still available, and if the price drops even more I might consider getting it instead.
That is highly possible. I have a few coworkers on my job (software QA) that are on an H-1B. They have to be very calculated about both their professional and even personal life decisions because it all hinges on having/keeping a job.
What a fucking glowing recommendation and endorsement from an absolutely reputable organization. /s
On the other hand, I feel for those engineers at Twitter. Yeah they are choosing to stay, but one, for those of them who really believe in Twitter as a tool, it’s not so easy to leave it behind all because corporate leadership is acting dumb, and two, even though Twitter still looks great on a resume, switching jobs is not as easy as stopping to go work for one place on one day and starting in another the next.
I was gonna say, it looks like the only thing they don’t own when you say yes is your image and likeness, but they’ve probably already extracted that from your IG account too.
LOL. LMAO, even.
That’s such a trip. Only a 6 year difference between the two of you, yet you experienced the dawn of something and they didn’t, and it shapes both of your perspectives so much.
Even though it technically applies to transistors, Moore’s Law has been a good barometer for the increase of complexity and capabilities of technology in general. And now because of your comment I’m kinda thinking that since the applicability of that law seems to be nearing its end, it’s either tech will stagnate in the next decade (possible, but I think unlikely), or we may be due for another leapfrog into a higher level of sophistication (more likely).