Please let us know
Please let us know
Who the hell pays that much for so little
What’s that site?
What? Are you serious bro?
What’s a private tracker? I’m a noob
I don’t want to spend 400 and more just to play miitopia 😭
Wait so you have to pay for the keys?
deleted by creator
Beehaw is pretty cool
What’s this?
Would be cool
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deleted by creator
If i were to pay for an AutoCAD license , it would be over 200$ A MONTH
What did you do when the error logs say “wrong or missing environment variables”? I’m having that error a LOT
Thanks for the advice
Never heard about this, thanks i’ll try and let you know
Thank you guys for your answers and advices, i’ve found a solution thanks to the user named Monologue. An effective and simple solution that i’ve never thought about since concerned about risking a ban (not the case), and it is to simply add in steam the pirated .exe game file through the “add a non-steam game” button. This resolved the issue about implementing Proton into my wine build, which is very risky and complicated, by executing the game directly on steam. Couldn’t give a fuck about the downvotes too
I just do right click on the exe file and “open with wine”. It works for me