Will it unpack my bags from the weekend? Cos it’s Friday now and I still can’t be bothered
Will it unpack my bags from the weekend? Cos it’s Friday now and I still can’t be bothered
Insert smug “I run YouTube with Firefox with adblock installed” comment here. I’ve not seen any of the anti block stuff yet
I had to go double check what I’m paying. £96 for the middle tier (1080 not 4k I think), this is approx $116… So sounds like you guys were previously on a better deal (assuming same library access)
I never got the account karma thing. Do people really care? All i was fussed about was if a comment I made was interesting to others or not, but that’s just fake stupid internet points+dopamine
Not just older/younger groups. There are plenty my age (mid 30) that don’t care or have a clue about tech+privacy. The local nursery post totally public photos of the kids to the internet… yeahhh no I opted out of that and I felt the weirdo. It’s not even like I’m tinfoil or anything
Archive that shit and never look at it again