For those (like me) who aren’t familiar with virus genetics, this is called recombination. Yes, it is possible between influenza and bird flu because they are the same virus type.
For those (like me) who aren’t familiar with virus genetics, this is called recombination. Yes, it is possible between influenza and bird flu because they are the same virus type.
Andrew Wakefield has a lot to answer for.
Nah, downvoted because it doesn’t spark healthy discussion.
“What about freedom of speech?” isn’t a valid question because the article is about social media, not a government. There are no freedom of speech rights on social media platforms.
Both sides, because both have extremist ideologies.
Freedom of speech is a government thing, this article is about organisations. It doesn’t apply.
Now it’s support for murder as a necessary means of change.
Violence wasn’t necessary, it was the only means available. If those in power want to peacefully negotiate, then they must make it possible.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
no bullshit installed
Pick one
Linux: Cause you’re just gonna use an Internet browser anyway.
here in the US
Rest of the World: Sweet as. More for us.
Oh no, I never said that they are only separable by time.
You may not have said it, but you typed it. Lets look at the replay.
And you can equate religions and cults because the only difference between the two is time.
It can’t only be time that transforms the one into the other
I agree with you here.
Religion, cults and sects are as concepts interconnected.
Oh, for sure. These ideas are related, but to claim that they are only separable by time is disingenuous.
And you can equate religions and cults because the only difference between the two is time.
There is more difference than time. Cults require a charismatic, authoritarian leader, religions do not. One can be religious and autonomous in practice.
Religions can be open source and decentralised, cults cannot.
Fellas, is it gay to want a woman that wants you?
Idk what it is about masculinity that loves submissive women
That’s insecure masculinity. Men who are secure don’t need a woman to be submissive. She will be with him by her own volition because she feels safe with him.
I ain’t saying it’s easy. Sometimes it’s simple, but simple doesn’t mean easy.
Yes, because there are ways to avoid and navigate major depression. Better to learn them in times of peace than in the middle of war.
Very small. In fact, the test subjects happened to have the same names as the researchers. What a coincidence.
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.
Sorry, I wasn’t explaining myself well.
Just because a story isn’t factually true, doesn’t mean that it has no value, or negative value. There are other types of values which can supersede factual value:
Truth isn’t always about facts. Sometimes factual statements can be used as a weapon of deceit.
If a narrative is not literally true, does that mean it has no truth value?
“apple” used to be a generic term for fruit.
Oh, that explains the myth that Adam and Eve at an apple, when a specific fruit is never mentioned.
Who told you that you are bad? Can you trust their assessment? Was their assessment correct at the time of assessment? Have things changed since that assessment? Did they know everything about you to be able to make that assessment? Bad in what way? In every way? How could that be possible?
We barely understand ourselves, how can we rely on anyone to make that judgement?