Go see a Star War.
Go see a Star War.
I’m honestly more stunned that this is an internet company. They didn’t think this was a bad idea to post to Vimeo?
I use mine.
Or you could just not use Facebook.
I hear to really boost morale, we might get to wear jeans on Fridays. I mean, working from home is great, but have you ever gone into the office in non-business casual clothes?
Over the last 15 years these tech leaders have led the charge to offshoring. Now they’re telling us we have to work with people on the other side of the world - unless we’re in the same timezone. Then we have to be “together” but separated into cubicles. Their logic makes no sense.
What is “full cash” compensation?
So he took a magic mouse amd turned it into a regular mouse?
Not for long me thinks.
Don’t they also solder it to the motherboard so you can’t upgrade your RAM as well?
I thought these guys were against cancel culture?
This is a good time to remind people one of his kids is trans. What utter garbage he’s turned out to be.
U/spez is copying off of Elon’s homework at this point.
Could Amazon swoop in and hire him? Would be a boss move if they did that.
Anthropomorphic paper clip pops up: "It looks like you’re trying to run a monopolistic global enterprise… "
Too bad those metals can’t reflect some sunlight and help with climate change.
Does the EU have any jurisdiction? Elon doesn’t seem to care about this at all. I have a feeling there’s nothing they can do to him/Twitter. If they have no offices, servers, operations, bank accounts, etc. In the EU, there’s nothing they can do. They can fine him all they want.
Those Stranger Things bath mats won’t sell themselves!
How do those plugins that track the prices of amazon listings over tome get their data? Don’t they scrape it from the site?