it is called a browser and
it is called a browser and
yes yes…that makes no sense. spotify is crap. you go pay for twitter to harm free speech, you listen to spotify to have creators scammed. feel good about yourself alot policing social media?
i do not think there is an argument in the world to help a fanboy.
remember when shitty sweden snitched on julian? i wouldnt host a wordpress site in sweden, let alone consider daniel and martin to be trusted. the stock holders arent the nice guys, it is not federated, they want to scam money out of whitenoise streams, geeez we could go on for hours. some ppl use chrome, spotify, yt premium or what ever horrible company they like to follow.
they are not swedish
thats not spotify?
spotify is shit.
oh then we must be really really lucky
is it in a cloud?
well, then you dont own anything.
is said cloud owned by americans?
well, you are the product.
you still pay?
you are the idiot.
[sPoTifY noT bAd retards: ]
well weave was 1 effin thing you needed to install and can selfhost. 10 years later nobody hosts it self. because moz made it like shit. again. you’ll need a ton of installations for fxa and syncing and where to store bookmarks. just crap. the worst are the people at moz because their decisions render the word open and community a joke. remember the way they forced all plugin devs to follow their new implementation? well, that is exactly the behavior these moz morons complain about themselves when chrome adds drm or whatever shit alphabet comes up with.
where is the petition to bring weave back and remove pocket?
that is bizarre. like they goin to take down any fork they dont? and who among the french will be able to read all the english github pages?
tried it. maybe i dont know how, but in newpipe i can sub channels without a login. smartube cant do that,right? i do not have accounts with google,apple or crooks alike. how would i sub to channels then in smartube?
do any of those work well on smartTVs newpipe crashes after 1:10 so i switched to and just grab my subscriptions and watch them in beloved kodi.
is docker more bloated than gtk? but yes, docker is sad too. :-(
i hate systemd and will do anything to not use it. the fanboys wont ack the many downsides ( or or that it breaks the idea of how software should work. Lennart the jerk who sold his soul to red hat is just the tip of the iceberg. red hat streams start closing and now you who uses systemd will start losing. just wait for it …or keep telling yourself you are on lemmy but not on reddit because of the broke system?
ops question is how it is pronounced in english.
i m all good with selfhosted wiki
psssst. ansible is red hat.
red hat bad.
and you trust tailscale? no selling of your dns history?
kinda like the comment section of every socialmedia.comments but no contributions. i see a pattern.