That was it. Cropped it a bit and it popped right up. Thanks again.
That was it. Cropped it a bit and it popped right up. Thanks again.
Thanks, I will try to crop it maybe.
I Hate raspberry…
Fuck ICE!
If you have a small plastic tub, like for a small count of super worms. Cut a “ramp”, three sided cut, into the lid. Put food or water in the tub and bury in the substrate up to the lid. The ramps, I put two of them, in the lid should be short of the bottom so the new residents can’t just climb out.
That really depends on the person and what they perceive as an insult.
Trust me, it is equally frustrating for most Americans…or almost, anyway.
My neighbor passed away and a new family moved in. Talking with dad, I noticed he didn’t swear much. I said a handful of curse words the first few times we talked. I noticed he was a little put off. So I just made a conscious effort to not curse around him. Never apologized, just tried not to. Pretty sure he’s noticed and appreciates it.
Earwigs can fly…
Should be “Wood Knot”…
To the point. Thank you.
"We will not go slowly into the night! "
Crop it if you can or reduce the resolution, maybe. Cropping it worked for me.