Och spelar lite DOTA
Och spelar lite DOTA
I can’t even get an account created because the website isn’t functional. Downloaded the app but it’s not doing me any good.
While that is preferable to the previous one, it’s still only showing 3 posts with tons of wasted space. This is putting an infosparse UI over an infodense application/platform and when you do that you lose functionality and make using the platform more tedious and time consuming. In a way it’s nice but it loses too much function to be appealing in this application. I could see that being an acceptable UI for another platform but not a link aggregator where the whole reason for existing is to gather a lot of information together.
I see this issue through so many newer UIs. Sure it looks nice in a way. But it looses all functionality. We have an info dense application, pairing that with a infosparse UI just causes frustration and excessive scrolling and clicking. Info density matters.
Oh nice. It’s like reddit with res. I like that a lot.
Eww. I don’t like that screenshot at all. I vastly prefer the more info dense version I use that looks like classic reddit.
Transit, nervous, closed, lymphatic, government
Looking through this at a glance I am not good at this game. Lol fun all the same.
Wank in a cup pre flight and wank in a cup after.
I fucking love this. That sub is hilarious.
Housing is one of the biggest stuggles for my family. I have 3 kids and so few houses are built for that in the EU. It’s really frustrating every time I look for something.
I think once a company is of a certain size they shouldn’t be granted IP and copyright. It’s helpful to protect first to market small companies or groups. Big companies can’t just clone and churn when they see something they want. But if they already have scale advantage they shouldn’t need or get IP and copyright advantage.
Morality is most definitely subjective. Talk to different groups around the globe and you’ll find different moral boundaries. The morals posed by Islam differ from christianity, which differ from buddhism, which all differ from nihilistic views, and still further diverge from tribal morals of small secluded tribes of people. While they shouldn’t be based on emotion, they do tend to be reactionary and emotional at their outset. And breaking them within any particular group tends to get you strong emotional responses.
Better than the alternative
Glad you have something that works for you. 👍👁️👄👁️👍
For what I do, there’s very low risk of anything happening. As for why use it at all. I hate dealing with linux bullshit and mac is intolerably locked down. Windows for better or worse is still the middle ground.
How about I not pay and take my chances…
If you like tinkering and fussing with settings, get something like a VoxelLab Aquila, or an Ender. If you don’t want to futz and just want to print or model, go bambu or maybe prusa if you can find a deal