“Whore bath” is how I’ve heard it
“Whore bath” is how I’ve heard it
Yeah, I feel this. I’m in a rough spot right now and the world keeps getting tougher. The idea of bringing someone into this suffering seems cruel to me
Kind of a reverse thing, we had a day in school where we talked about our parents jobs. I told my class about how my mom, at the time, worked for a company that made medical equipment primarily for elderly rehabilitation. Think exercise games and whatnot. My teacher thought this was cool, so after some back and forth my class took a field trip to my mom’s workplace. I got some of those electrical node things hooked up to my arm and they made my fingers dance, I was the cool kid for the day since I got us out of class
Yeah, I worked at Walmart for a bit and we were taught to look out for weird situations with gift cards and politely ask what the customer’s plan was. If we thought they were getting scammed, we’d get our manager involved to talk to them
Woke up with my stomach in knots, figured I ate something bad the previous day. Texted my work group chat and let them know that I would be useless if I showed up, and explained that I think I ate something bad for dinner. They said something along the lines of “no worries, but you’re still gonna have to come in to at least grab the paperwork for staying home for a day.” Annoyed, I got a ride to work and went to go do the formalities and explained that my boss had already given me the go ahead to stay home, I just needed the paperwork. First guy I talked to had no issue just writing it up and sending me on my way, but when he stepped away for a second I got asked some questions by one of his coworkers who told me “we have to give you a check up first to determine if you actually have to stay home.” She checked my stomach for pain and listened to it make some noises, then decided I was just constipated and gave me something to drink to help. First guy still wrote the paperwork up for me, and I got to go home, stomach in even worse situation and I spent nearly 2 hours on the toilet before I felt safe enough to go lay down and slept the rest of the day away.
(And yes I’m well aware that it’s atypical to get a checkup by your workplace, this was a weird and terrible place to work. Glad I got outta there.)
You’ll have to use the PC to interact with things, this is where a lot of people suggest a cheap Bluetooth keyboard with a track pad, or keyboard and mouse.
Assuming you’re using a modern TV, it functions just like a monitor for a computer. A mini PC is the same as a desktop/laptop, just in a little box. So basically you just plug the mini PC in with an HDMI to the TV, install the apps you need on the mini PC and you’re good to go
It works really well.
Like 90% of the time, yeah. There are some websites/apps where it will fuck up and I have to go open the pass app and tap the credentials I need. Still the best option in my opinion, and it only takes a second to go grab the credentials out of the app
Honestly, it seems like you probably shouldn’t be wasting your time with this woman.
Man you were giving great advice until you suddenly decided that people in the porn industry are incapable of love and only use sex as a weapon. Sex workers are human beings.
Dayta - it comes from the Latin word Datum which is pronounced day tum. At least that’s what my middle school science teacher would tell us
Yeah, the mod key is my best friend with Sway, I literally can’t avoid using it
Admittedly I haven’t looked into too many rust applications but IME they generally don’t have a deb/rpm/binary or whatever. I’ve always had to cargo them in - it’s a relatively painless process. My understanding is that, in a similar fashion to python, you have to have the same dependencies on the source and target machine and cargo handles that in rusts case
Similarly, my partner - going through a divorce - was having a really rough time. Had some loud arguments with their now ex husband and got scrutiny from all of the neighbors for being so loud and emotional. Except for one, a woman who had been in his shoes and came over to offer emotional support, resources, and a friendship. That woman no doubt saved his life
I think this is an ESH situation. Fandom sucks for pushing their poison, Google sucks for drinking it
I have much the same issue, when I can I like to wear jackets that have inside pockets to deal with it. Barring that, back pocket > front pocket > extra pockets IME
Beeper + a python script could get this done
I do not expect the Fediverse…
I hate to agree with this but I do. I would love if more people said fuck you to data harvesting and started denying access to everything as best they could; and decentralizing social media would go a long way in that. Unfortunately, too many people have too much faith in corporations
Oh I’m not trying to correct you I just have less than 0 social awareness and saw a word with a funny history so I shared my knowledge on it lol
Scuttlebutt in this case refers to gossip, which is also why the water fountains are called scuttlebutt - people would gossip around them
As far as guitars are concerned, that is unfortunately not a super high price