These guys work really well.
They have different flavors, and for me the peach ones work really well
These guys work really well.
They have different flavors, and for me the peach ones work really well
Yep, without the numbers it’s hard to know for sure. If you have ADHD it’s possible it’s mild or your particular blend is a little better at testing. And yeah, the wait is pretty killer.
Did you make mistakes? If so, you might’ve made more mistakes than you think, or more mistakes than what’s considered neurotypical. Even if you didn’t make mistakes but took longer to process the info they put in front of you, that’ll help determine the results as well.
Ultimately it’s going to be hard to know for sure until you talk to your psych.
I work in IT, specifically desktop support. Over the last decade I’ve moved up into management and I’ve always had that feeling of things are going to fall to the ground any minute now. Everything is overwhelming and how can I possibly keep up. I just need to work faster. I decided to get tested when I moved into management and it got even harder to keep track of everything. I was diagnosed with combined adhd as well as moderate depression and anxiety maybe 6 months after that.
The thing that helped me most with getting a handle on my job has been medication, especially adderall/vyvanse (I like adderall better, but this ongoing shortage sucks). It can still be hard to concentrate, but I have a much easier time figuring out what needs to be done and being able to concentrate on that and somewhat ignore all the millions of other things that I need to pay attention to.
As long as you expect yourself to fail, it’ll eventually happen. Even if you’re doing a perfect job, you’ll burn yourself out with the stress of feeling like you’ll eventually fail. One thing that could help, if you don’t already, keep a task list as well. Even if it’s reminders of the things you need to do. I’ve found having that has helped me remember the next day or even later that same day the things I need to do.
What do you need to do to get from a provisional ADHD diagnosis to a full one? And have you mentioned to your doctor the anxiety you have for work?
Yeah, I was agreeing and relating it to the good ol days when pirating for a one asp experience wasn’t needed unless you really wanted to.
Now we’re back to that’s the only way to easily get it all in one place is pirating. Apple TV seems to sort of have that ability but it’s not seamless because it takes you to whatever app the video is on, which still means you have to pay for all the streams.
I miss the early days of Netflix when that held true too. If I remember right piracy was down too. But everyone wanted a piece of the stupid pie and we’re back to where we started all over again
The industry actually tried to get people to stop calling them laptops because people kept burning themselves badly in the early days of portable computers when they would get hot af
It’s great, isn’t it? I also got laid off at the end of January, lost my health insurance immediately so I had to cancel my gallbladder removal for the next week because I could no longer afford it.
ThE pRiVaTe MaRkEt WiLl SoLvE tHe PrObLeM