Thanks! Sounds interesting, I’ll give a look to it!
Thanks! Sounds interesting, I’ll give a look to it!
How do you use moonlight over the internet?
Damn, man. Are you alright? Why are you so stressed?
High on the list for sure, near Nintendo BTW
Downloaded and I will keep seeding it h24 indefinitely. Thank you for sharing!
Create ipotetical emercency scenarios in your mind and elaborate possible solutions and way to handle that. Then look about your solution and think about what could go well and what could go wrong.
It’s not about cognitive abilities, it’s about having availability for possible strategies in your mind.
Have you been able to use it with your AMD GPU? I have a 6800 and would like to test something
I’ve always wanted to do that, but how do you handle seeding?
It’s latest Android Design Guidelines, also known as Material Design 3.
It’s actually pretty good in order to have UX/UI consistency
This is the only feature I envy from Plex
Honestly, I feel scared because it’s actually something that is being exported here.
I feel so sorry for you Americans, but I don’t blame you. I don’t think this is something you can address by simply voting, the same way we here can’t do nothing by voting in order to stop the privatization of everything. This are scary times.
You shouldn’t compare psychological disorder to organic disease. There is a reason they’re called “disorder” and not “disease”.
Organic disease have a very specific definition and very specifics criteria, so you can actually have a formal diagnosis process. It’s epistemologically impossible to do so for psychological disorder, which have more broad definitions based completely over statistical norms.
P.s. while this is a very important distinction, this doesn’t mean that psychological health is less important or that is not important to seek help and therapy for psychological suffering.
This is true, my mistake! That’s another reason to pirate
If you don’t count multiplayer and buy only physical copies of your game, you will be able to play for as long the hardware will function. You can also hack your switch and keep a copy of every game you may need somewhere in an hard-drive too.
Piracy Shield is indeed brought to us by (soccer) mafia
I swear I misread “second hand dicks” and was so confused
Very very cool! Good job!
You’re sharing a correct sentiment, but completely missing the point.
Your artistic work has value and you should be in the condition of making art while taking care of yourself economically. This is definitively true. Don’t assume the only possible way to achieve that is to gatekeep your otherway easily replicable art (which is sad and completely agains art’s purpose if you want my opinion). It may be the most viable way now, but it’s not the only one (and it’s not working great, as your example underline).
It’s the same for tipping colture, if you want a parallel situation to look from outside. Is absolutely criminal that full-time worker has to rely on a mandatory charity donation in order to survive and we should all be against that. The worker could say “I need the tips couse I can’t afford live without it, so if you are against tipping you are hurting me”, which is the same things you are saying about yourself.