Oh awesome, can’t wait to explain how I got a porn site email.
Oh awesome, can’t wait to explain how I got a porn site email.
Honestly not convinced, we’ve been promised self driving cars for almost a decade and we unearthed way more problems than ways of getting closer. And honestly, there are soo many situations where even I’m not sure what the correct course of action would be, so I’m not holding my breath for an AI sourcing from our collective actions.
The most compelling evidence I’ve ever seen for the elusive “year of the Linux Desktop”.
Not earing the turnip?
Wait, how the fuck are only Central Europe, Finland and Estonia in support of encryption. What the actual fuck people?
The realization that most of my family, given the rise of fascism, would be fascist enablers. Same with like 90% of the people at work.
Assuming we can get AGI. So far there’s been little proof we’re any closer to getting an AI that can actually apply logic to problems that aren’t popular enough to be spelled out a dozen times in the dataset it’s trained on. Ya know, the whole perfect scores on well known and respected collage tests, but failing to solve slightly altered riddles for children? It being literally incapable of learning new concepts is a pretty major pitfall if you ask me.
I’m really sick and tired of this “we just gotta make a machine that can learn and then we can teach it anything” line. It’s nothing new, people were saying this shit since fucking 1950 when Alan Turing wrote it in a paper. A machine looking at an unholy amount of text and evaluation based on a new prompt, what is the most likely word to follow, IS NOT LEARNING!!! I was sick of this dilema before LLMs were a thing, but now it’s just mind numbing.
Just another cost of running business.
I strangely find my self praising apple lately. Not because they’re good or because I stopped hating their guts. But just because microsoft has become SOO SHIT!
Apple has also cough up in many regards, tho I’m talking mainly phones here now.
While I swear by Linux, I’m now more likely to recommend MacOS over Windows to people.
Correction, we went from fanatical Elon worship to a sudden realization, that he’s the greatest scam artist of all time (quite literally, nobody EVER burned more tax payer and inverter money) and went into sudden shock and disbelief.
I use it occasionally, in some games it looks better. Particularly games where the camera doesn’t swing around as wildly, meaning NO FPS GAMES! Or any game where you’re manually moving the camera all the time. I have yet to see a FPS where motion blur doesn’t fucking blind me for every split second I move.
(Edit: I was caught by the grammar police, for my heinous crimes.)
I had my coming of age when going to college abroad. Oh what a time that was.
I recently got introduced to a new friend group with plenty of trans people. It was quite eye opening. Not that my views changed, but rather upon hearing their stories, realizing how much senseless hate there is towards them. Imagine not getting a job after a successful interview, because some asshole looking at your ID sees that your appearance doesn’t match your birth assigned gender. It’s one thing to be indifferent or not get queer people, it’s another to actively fucking harm them!
I especially hate the project2025 rhetoric of “Economy bad” followed by “Let’s spend our entire budget, murdering the queers”. These people are monstrous…
2002 here, we still had such a TV. For quite a while actually, since we never upgraded and just started using phones and computers instead. It became my console monitor.
Reminds me of the American mindset of always making something FIRST, THE BEST or THE BIGGEST! Nothing can ever just be nice or comfortable. It can never be “Know the thing next town? Yea we did that here!”, it’s always “Know the thing next town? Yea we wiped the floor with em! Come to us!”. Needless to say, my visit to the states was quite tiring after a while.
I don’t watch shit with adds lol. I just recently learned that in the US Netflix, Amazon Prime and the such offer paid subscriptions that still show adds. Like what the actual fuck? Just pirate at that point, the bad sites have an equal share of adds and the good ones have none, it’s a much better experience.
If you’re not gonna adress anything I said, you should reconsider the value of your time here, it’s being wasted.
Oh wait lol, BOT alert, this account was created literally 2 hours ago to shit on people in politics channels.
If Gaza is such a hot topic for you, how do you justify letting someone that absolutely despises muslims and would love to see them eradicated, enter the white house and likely lift all restrictions on Israel and delivery anything they ask for? There’s little doubt that Haris would have changed the situation much at all, but a Trump win basically solidifies the Palestinian’s fate to die as Israel’s war equipment guinea pigs. Do you feel like your inaction is fine because either way, the genocide doesn’t end?
I very much hate christmas. Having a specific day to give everyone something is stupid. We already have everything we want (that’s not too expensive to be a gift), and even if there’s something special, christmas ruins it by being expected. In my family we finally managed to drop the charade after grandma died. Sadly, gonna be celebrating christmas with my GF’s family, and so far I’ve been unsuccessful in making them understand that I don’t want shit from them.
Christmas is just a giant collection of obligations that leaves us all worse off. Like getting and advent calendar, everyone gets mad when I skip days, just because I don’t care about Christmas. In my country we also have 3 days where all stores are closed for it. Great shit…