Burning out, but it’s gonna be a glorious blaze
This miiiiight not be a sensory thing, but here goes.
To me, everything has, like, a correct feeling it has to give before leaving it to rest. If not, it’s a little too rough, or smooth, it just feels off. And I can keep feeling it after stopping touching it. And anytime I look at the object. I can feel it when I watch a movie or show and someone puts something down in some indescribably wrong way.
To be clear, this isn’t a placement thing. Organization and whatnot don’t matter, it’s just like “Oh my foot just dragged forward on the carpet, that was weird and rough forward, now I have to do it backward to make it feel right,” or “I just out that down and from the sound, I can tell it went down wrong. I gotta go adjust it.” That loops until I get it just right, usually a process of 2-45 minutes.
My friends aren’t tech nerds, they dont want to do that stuff unfortunately. Qbittorent is simple enough for them to adopt without complaint.
My upload ratio looks like ass because I edit videos for a thing with friends, and we use torrent to send the raw footage between computers. So I have like a 0.2 ratio because I’m downloading 5 gigs and then we kill the torrent.
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Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a really good roguelike for mobile. Ton of variety, no ads, only thing you can buy is a supporter pack that gives the ui a different fringe color, and that doesn’t get pushed.
Freeways is a great game that makes me want to tear my hair out.
Bit after my time
Latish Gen Z here, it never really needed to click. Its been there the whole time, so it’s just a norm part of life, like it’s always been. Like, I get that it’s insane, but it’s not out of the norm for me, because it IS my norm. My parents were decently strict when I was little, but once I hit my tweens they gave me a LOT of slack.
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3 meals a day is completely unnecessary, and just eating one large meal works just as well. Saves time, too. I can sleep in because no breakfast to worry about cooking, lunch can be used to just relax or do something else, and then dinner is larger, but cooking more of the same food doesn’t generally take that much longer.
Kid drank thallium rat poison, in an attempt to commit suicide. Thing is, thallium doesn’t kill you, it just makes you vomit a LOT. So they had to evacuate the classroom because there was a bunch of thallium and vomit everywhere.
The best part is we weren’t allowed to leave for 2 hours, because this happened at like 10 and they still wanted the day to count for the school year.
Because we have this stupid thing called the electoral college. Basically, each state has a certain number of votes, based (roughly) on population (its a whole other issue), and the states’ votes are cast for whoever won the most votes within their state (barring rogue electors and the few states that use proportional representation for votes.) Theres a total of 538 votes, and all that matters is winning more than half of them. This has made the winner of the popular vote lose the election 5 times (though in 1824, it went to the house of representatives for a final decision because no one had a majority.)
To summarize: not a dumb question, VERY dumb answer.
This would be a really cool standard! I only wish it would work here in the US, where our brake lights have to pull double duty as turn signals. But in sensible places like the countrirs in Europe, this would be dope!
It’s a joke. Hell, I’m American, I just find this incredibly funny.