As long as I’ve got the high score I’m thrilled
As long as I’ve got the high score I’m thrilled
I like to muse on the idea of an afterlife, being that I’m not religious. I’d like to think maybe every life is just an expression of the universe and that we are all the same; and that same either experiences things outside of our existence or understanding, or we simply resume experience but elsewhere, kinda like reincarnation. I’d also like to think we’re all from a higher dimension experiencing reality as if it’s an episode on Netflix, or like the game Roy from Rick and Morty, that would be fun.
I guess kintsugi maybe an example
Novara media stream 6pm weekdays on YouTube, UK based news, free but with a supporter donation model
If there was soulseek on an iOS app I think I’d go fully back to piracy. Never gotten over Apple Music ruining all my playlists, just want to go back to basics
Good attitude man fuck a homerseksual
But 19 million in costs for 50 staff would put everyone at roughly that wage right? Or what have I missed here
Got to love a good bit of a corporate gaslighting
Sounding like a vegan before they’ve realised