Are you trying to say that unwanted teen pregnancies are the answer to population decline?
Are you trying to say that unwanted teen pregnancies are the answer to population decline?
Tiny nitpick, 23 qr-codes are needed as one can contain 2,953 bytes and c64 has 65,536 bytes of ram. 65536/2953=22.19
Yeah, the secret is to debloat it all the way to 7. Going under that is not advisable expect under doctors supervision.
The posts are from march 2023, and there are no ads yet :/
That would make sence, also the domain is really good (lasinvaihto.fi, translates to windscreenreplacement.fi). Maybe they are planning to sell the domain?
Recently I was looking for info (in finnish) how to prevent car windows from fogging. I found a really weird website all about car windows, but it kept confusing car and house windows. It instructed to clean car windows by “opening the window and cleaning between the panels”.
It was obviously ai-generated, but I couldn’t figure out why. They weren’t selling anything, there were no ads and no links to other websites or services.
Edit: I found the site again, I cannot spot anything nefarious, but proceed with caution: https://www.lasinvaihto.fi/
Like volume mixer in windows?
Oh it hadn’t occured to me that not only salt causes osmosis. Thank you for the explanation!
Seems like I’m going to boil the potatoes whole in the future, thanks again :)
Isn’t the osmosis minimized when the salt concentration of the water matches that of the potatoes, and thus it shouldn’t affect the saltiness of the end product? Assuming that the water is thrown away of course.
Do you know whether salting the water heavily affects the water absorption rate of cut potatoes? It should reduce it on cell level, but I don’t know if that is the case with starch
I assume the problem with kagi is the price, which is hard to swallow as we have get used to free products?
I suggest going straight to https://kagi.com, or you can also use your current search engine to find it using query “kagi”.
But to be serious, it’s great. The search results themselves feel like how google used to feel years ago before the enshittification, and there are many useful features, like changing priority of different websites. I for example have removed all pinterest sites, reduced instagram and increased wikipedia weighting. They have a free 200 search trial, give it a go!
Thanks, I was wondering whether this could be achieved using lenses
Give kagi a shot, it’s paid service, but they have a 100 search trial
Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining
Is it forbidden to install a different OS? I’m propably ignorant as in all my dev jobs so far (N=1), I have been permitted (and encouraged) to install OS of my choice.
Unfortunately you need to (at least in my experience) purge the feed couple times a year. Just use “not interested” with a heavy hand and a light heart. It tends to recommend new stuff after that.
Sounds like it’s prime time for a SQL-injection
It is just easier, and having a simple ui of different podcasts and their episodes along with their progress is a nice QOL -feature. You can probably get the sam, result with a media-player and some tinkering, but is not as easy.
Granted, I see no reason to pay for a podcast app (other to support creators), as free open-source options such as AntennaPod exist.
You need to go to the repositories tab in order to find the repos for chrome and firefox respecively