Thought to have been an ordinary falling star.
I’ve found XnView to be a good IrfanView replacement. (Granted it’s not QUITE as good; same as how there isn’t anything quite as good as Notepad++)
As for Lynx on Windows, looks like it’s available through Scoop!
It’s less that good has one hand tied behind its back, and more that good is fighting with a sword while evil brought an attack helicopter
Sounds like Root Explorer would be suitable.
I have my name in the back of ‘Metal Slug: The Ultimate History’ for helping… er, someone more directly involved with screenshots of Metal Slug 6. Was a good moment.
Depends on the game. I’ve seen it labelled both ways.
It’s better for making a pretty island or a nicely-decorated house. And the vault pole is a real benefit early on, before you can build bridges. Otherwise, NL really is the better game.
As a controller nerd, I think I may be in the market for some of those hot takes
But that means it won’t get any more stale. Emergency baguettes for everyone!
I had a close friend in high school who was brought up JW. Sometime afterwards, he decided he didn’t really align with the faith and left the church.
His family immediately kicked him out and estranged themselves from him. (Side note, this was a guy with mental health concerns, which this event naturally did not help with)
That’s coloured my perception of JWs ever since
But can it summarise them correctly?
That’s July, isn’t it?
Never watched Game of Thrones or Stranger Things. (Or countless other shows)
No worries friend! Hope it’s everything you dreamed of.
Jerry is the villain
Agreed. Partly because the movies have actual endings…
It’s not really. Sure, the end result is “things getting worse because of business”, but enshittification specifically refers to the practice of hoarding users with a quality product, to then extract maximum profit from them while shedding any semblance of quality.
That was a big reason for me leaving my old job.
Like $200 worth of honey?