I prefer performers resemble superior race ambassadors from a yet undiscovered groovy exoplanet
I prefer performers resemble superior race ambassadors from a yet undiscovered groovy exoplanet
I think the issue people are arguing is you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. You’re not going to reform glaciers by choosing to drive an EV. You’re not going to stop increasing rates and extremes of floods by turning off the basement lights when not in use.
Networks don’t, but many servers are used to create a single network.
Efnet isn’t a single server. Freenode isn’t a single server, etc.
IRC has entered the chat
This just makes me think of every thread complaining about smart tvs and every comment saying “just buy a monitor!”
These same people also solve seem to give af about the suffering of children outside of the border of the country.
I’ve yet to hear any evangelical cry about dead Palestinian children or the suffering of children on the other side of the American Mexican border.
I read this in my history and for a second thought it was in response to my other comment, which also is true
Looked up LBD to see what it’s about and…damn… https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lewy-body-dementia/symptoms-causes/syc-20352025
Why do you hate me
I did. Unfortunately for the Mac it’s a no-go. It was a good 10 year run :(
My job requires login to most internal websites via Microsoft Azure AD SSO using Kerberos authentication using passwordless, smart card auth.
This switch happened this week. Up until yesterday I was 100% Firefox until this.
Firefox for MacOS is not able to do this. I spent an hour or so looking for solutions. Chrome on MacOS also doesn’t. Safari does and now I have to fucking use Safari FFS.
I’m talking about the comments, not the article.