with or without guns?
with or without guns?
i don’t do anal.
a couple of years ago, i had a strict ‘first date we eat boomers’ system. it was a lot of fun.
the AI is right behind me, isn’t it?
right? are we living in that morally ambiguous of a society that people don’t understand basic tenets of decency?
so hunters and gatherers had an economic model? i think you might be biased by modernity.
you know, i tend to blame this kind of shit on capitalism, thinking that the drive for profit creates an imperative to deliver published papers, and then i see that china is doing this shit and i just can’t help but to think there is no economic model that produces good results and that the entire idea of an ‘economic model’ is flawed.
please let AI run this shit. humans are just going to endlessly make the same mistakes over and over.
“I’ll implant a bullet in somebody’s head before any tech directly touches my neurons.”
bye little bitch
the ignorant masses are the one actually responsible. they want bibles and flags. the grifters making a profit off of it would be easily legislated into oblivion if there weren’t masses of cruel idiots that provide a support base.
and if calling stupid out is ableist, then i’m un-apolegetically guilty of being ableist.
if we could just get rid of the idiots waving flags and bibles… it’s almost as if they’re destroying the entire world with their ignorance.
hey everybody! i’m masterblaster! i make modules for D&D and play in a blues band! remember, kill all conservatives for the future of humanity!
OP does not understand how society works
unsubscribe from everything except the great courses. thank me later.
i’m pretty sure you could crowdsource an assassination and get more results,.