The IPO announcement w/ shares being offered to Reddit users. Also, the deal with AI training off of user data without consent. Hard to keep track these days lol.
The IPO announcement w/ shares being offered to Reddit users. Also, the deal with AI training off of user data without consent. Hard to keep track these days lol.
The people making the big decisions aren’t the ones working. They’re the ones put in charge to make money for investors, who want monthly returns. Not “here’s what will get us 1XX% growth in 6-8 years,” but now.
And you’d think this would only be the case with public companies, but private equity is gobbling up quality companies and milking them dry by cutting costs and abusing their brand’s good name. People want returns on their investments QUICK these days.
“AI isn’t good enough to replace workers yet, but it’s good enough to convince CEOs it can.”
I think they were commenting on how people seem to be zealots for Firefox on Lemmy, despite having some (reasonable) flaws. Despite this news, I’d bet a lot of them will continue. Not a pro-Chrome stance by any means.
(I had to block the Firefox and Linux subs day 1 because of how much anti-Chrome/ anti-Windows I saw).
I already have tech tips, thanks tho
Just had to open a link in Teams and it ignored that Chrome was my default to launch Edge, then tried to set itself as the default for anything clicked in Teams.
I can easily see Microsoft doing something comparably shitty for people opening links in Word or PowerPoint. If not for Apple’s even more egregious ecosystem practices (among other things) I’d be very tempted to switch.
It’s environmental geopolitics 🤷 seeing widespread adoption of a policy that the US (Reagan) ignored get traction in Ireland helps highlight how shortsighted that view was. Considering the US has had a small hand in building the world’s energy supply, it seems at least tangential to remind people why such policies have existed.
Treat the rest as a dedicated, specifically-timed “thing to do” instead of just “time I need to kill until I pick this weight up again.”
Timers are helpful, as people mentioned, but stretching, evaluating how that last set went/ how next set needs to go, changing weights, and walking around to catch your breath are great ways to stay mostly on track.
And if you check Twitter after switching songs or something? That’s fine. Working out slowly > not working out, so unless you’re annoying other gymgoers with 20-min squat-rack scroll sessions , I wouldn’t sweat a mental lapse.
EDIT: Ope, I think I misread your comment to mean “between sets” and not just “going to the gym,” my b.
It HAS to be a habit. Go to the gym because it’s novel and you want to try it out, then try your damnedest to make it a routine. Make it feel weird to not work out. If you fall off the wagon, try again.
If neurotypicals fail to be consistent (see every New Year’s resolution), you can give yourself enough grace to stumble, too.