In the broad term I very much favour them. But when you actually read up on it a lot, like I have, the broad term loses its meaning and I always wonder what people actually mean by it when they say it.
In the broad term I very much favour them. But when you actually read up on it a lot, like I have, the broad term loses its meaning and I always wonder what people actually mean by it when they say it.
Article 16.3
The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.
I disagree that the family is the fundamental group unit of society.
Article 25.2
Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
I feel discriminated that motherhood and not fatherhood are entitled to special care.
There are many variations of human rights declarations. I oppose this one the most: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairo_Declaration_on_Human_Rights_in_Islam
There are also specific articles in the universal declaration of human rights that I think are wrong
You’re correct, my bad
Wasn’t making fun of you, just agreeing with you and telling you my fix
I’m not American so maybe I’m getting something wrong… But aren’t you making a faulty assumption about people having a plan at all? Isn’t the amount of completely uninsured in the us in the double digits or something?
You say that like it’s not supposed to say over 2.5k. Making any price under something makes it seem cheap. And let’s not forget that the majority in the US don’t have 1k in their bank at the end of the month.
Yeah, I have Wikipedia saved to a portable hard drive… Just in case
I’m not a fan of Apple but saying that this radiation is akin to gamma radiation in some way its just ignorant.
Here’s a source for the radiation levels for everybody else: https://www.reuters.com/technology/apple-disputes-french-findings-says-iphone-12-complies-with-radiation-standards-2023-09-13/
As an older fellow who was probably looking at internet porn (image loaded line by line) before you were born. Y’all kids need to learn how to use the Web browser and how to type the URL to porn sites. Once you learn this you’ll have all the porn in the world avaliable for free in a few seconds when you want it. And also learn how to use incognito mode
There is. I do it, it’s my job as a solar engineer.
Basically, there are several leading softwares that solar engineers use to account for just about anything that happens in the real world.
I mainly use PVsol premium where I 3d model each site and the panel placements and electrical components and so on, then run a minute scale simulation based on the exact location weather data (using Metronorm 8.3)…
Almost no one outside my field understands what goes into my job. It doesn’t help that there’s a lot of untrained people pretending to do what I do…