I already peg Tesla drivers next to Altimas and Ram 2500s, just different energy
Tesla is for the people who don’t want to drive a car, and their driving aptitude is frequently on full display
Altimas and Ram needs no further explanation, you already know
We’ve finally found it - an ethical application for deepfake AI
Earlier this year, investors filed a class-action lawsuit, accusing company executives of overstating the devices’ capabilities and claiming that “Evolv does not reliably detect knives or guns.”
It’s fraud. The company knows it’s unreliable and the investors know it’s unreliable, I wonder why NYC is still going to expand the trial run? 🤔
[Mayor] Adams has touted the Massachusetts-based company since taking office in 2022.
Appreciate the info and link, but $168 for what is essentially a few dollars of SOLAS tape and a pair of IR laser safety glasses? Bruh.
People really forget/undersell that this was the original groundswell of support for Trump - particularly running against the Nth generation political hack that was Hillary Rodham Clinton in the general, and the Nth generation political hack that was John Ellis ‘Jeb’ Bush in the primary.
Trump also touched the racism/xenophobia lightning rod in ways no mainstream Republican had since the civil right era, either with dog whistles, or c/overt wink-and-nod about “those people”.
Cuz they print the money and set policing budgets astronomically high. A warrant requires paperwork and a judge (though FISA made that a joke), just buying it outright is far easier.
My British passport, growing up, and living in the UK for decades argues otherwise, but sure thing mate.
New money Russian oligarchs get to rub shoulders with British elites and upper class, but proximity is not acceptance. Private school v public school is still a huge determinant to your life’s path even though Oxbridge offer superior education.
Hunting has never been a part of the general culture yes, but don’t try to tell me there isn’t classist attitudes towards deer stalkers and fox hunters. Press imagery rarely shows the actual attire, but focuses on the “Toffs on horseback” and tweed clad pheasant shooters, versus muck boots and Barbour jackets.
Class permeates British culture unlike any other European society. And it goes beyond the rich:poor divide you’d see in America or say France.
The upper class look down on the working and middle class, viewing any self made money with disdain. Unless you’re a blue blood your money doesn’t really count. Money is not the only factor.
The working class in turn tend to view anyone who tries to climb the ladder as a class traitor or someone who doesn’t know their place. “Crabs in a bucket” if you will. Self made success is sneered at the same as multi-generational inherited (and unearned) wealth.
Class permeates British culture unlike any other European society. And it goes beyond the rich:poor divide you’d see in America or say France.
The upper class look down on the working and middle class, viewing any self made money with disdain. Unless you’re a blue blood your money doesn’t really count. Money is not the only factor.
The working class in turn tend to view anyone who tries to climb the ladder as a class traitor or someone who doesn’t know their place. “Crabs in a bucket” if you will. Self made success is sneered at the same as multi-generational inherited (and unearned) wealth.
Because people won’t leave Xitter. Mastodon was propped up expressly as a replacement, but the bird yet lives.
Lawful- Neutral renter reporting in:
I fixed an entire doorframe trim and drywall after the back door got kicked in - paint and putty are your friends
Eyyyyy we’re fucked 🙃
It’s not helping. We aren’t going to get a “deus ex machina” moment on righting damage done to the environment. Yes focus on the bigger goals and pollution sources, but this is a trend in the wrong way to enlarge Elon’s money pile.
Yes, the rocket is reusable. The fuel is not, and by lowering the cost per kg of space freight, it has driven more usage of rockets. Which use non-renewable fuel at astounding rates and make huge emissions for a minor payload total.
We’re seeing extreme temperatures and unseasonal weather events already - James Webb is cool and the ISS does need service missions but Starlink is just more orbital trash waiting to happen.
I had a former workplace like that, it was beautiful 🥹
We had a hot seat meeting where each department representative wasn’t even in the room until their individual staggered start time kicked in. One out, one in, cycling through each department until the meeting was over. They get to go back to their work and not be ‘meat’ in the room for fifteen minutes or more, we got focused reports from each as they filed in and out.
Sometimes I miss working for Germans, but “alles in Ordnung” cuts both ways - good luck breaking through the bureaucracy reporting chain and getting quick results
Meetings are rarely productive for anyone, neurotypical or not, once it gets bigger than like five people and/or hierarchy enters the room imo. Then it morphs into politics and showmanship.
Best meeting I’ve ever had was with two engineers. We were all on time, had prepared well, and lasted seven minutes because there were zero pleasantries, got right into breaking down the subject, and the answer was frank and forthright.
Sales team? Forget about keeping to schedule
Why would they pay anyone? Just turn their own AI loose to dog pile dissent
The AR market is not just entertainment, Microsoft has been failing to build a viable AR helmet for soldiers for years now, after the latest-and-greatest fight jets got them.
Professional use too - think of how much simpler and safer ‘realistic’ training could be for deep sea commercial divers or oil rig workers. Live schematic overlays for aircraft technicians at work/in training.
Those are a few of the applications where an absurdly high unit cost/license fee would be gladly swallowed instead by governments or business.