I’d like to travel more this year. I have a list of places I’d like to see.
- Fremont Street in Las Vegas
- Hawaii
- Big Ben
- Akihabara
- A sunlit beach
Now that I have steady work, I can finally afford these things.
I’d like to travel more this year. I have a list of places I’d like to see.
Now that I have steady work, I can finally afford these things.
I’d say I’m probably around 20-30%. If the internet were to disappear tomorrow, the only thing it’d affect is my work which I’m not really concerned about. The only thing I’d probably miss is watching random stuff on YouTube.
To have my dad and aunt cured of their disease so I can finally feel happiness again
I’ve been working on a game reminiscent of Streets of Rage and Paper Mario. A beat-me-up RPG in Unity but I haven’t worked on It in a while due to work and burnout.
One dream I remember is something I still wonder about. Was it some sort of sign or does it represent something? I dunno. But I remember I was in some sort of giant, deserted resort. Think The Shining. I remember seeing a red fox that kept bothering me. Whenever I would see this fox, it would yelp and bark which would call something. I don’t know what this was that it was calling, but when it got near, I remember I would hear something like a distorted violin play along with large footsteps and growls. I would run away from thing and I could hear it behind me chasing me. After running away from this thing and hiding in a small store that was filled with the evening sun, I remember seeing the shadow of this thing pass by the window. It was a large monster. And, followed behind it, and this is where I’m wondering what the meaning behind this is, I saw four women dressed in red jackets. They were jogging behind this thing. Three of them came into the store I was hiding in and found me. Each one had their own personality. One seemed to like me, one seemed to hate me, and one didn’t pay any attention to me. I don’t know about the fourth one. And, strangely enough, they were all Asian. Now, I’m not Asian so I don’t know if that has anything to do with anything. But, when I saw these women, I immediately thought of the fox. They were the foxes in human form that were chasing me.
YouTube, Lemmy, sometimes playing Runescape or Gamecube games, FL studio, reading stuff on Wikipedia. Very rarely looking at naked people
Ok, sure. Now I’m worried about synthetic humans or mimics posing as humans. Maybe I’ll peruse our global network to find a video of music to distract myself. Or maybe a video of a human owned pet.
That’s just what an alien would say
Ah, I didn’t say aliens! You did. Now, I think there aliens among us.
Or, another thought, maybe I’m just curious and want to have something interesting to read. Or, maybe I am the silly who worries about how light reflects. Or, maybe I’m the non-human wanting to interact with humans. It’s all a possibility.
Yeah, like a mom and pop place
I remember a very vivid dream I had about…i wanna say aliens. This was when I was living in another city for University. In my dream, I was back home near a grocery store and there was a crowd of people gathered around some strange, black goop on a powerline that was moving. Then, more kept falling from the sky. The sky turned a dark, brownish colour and suddenly strange buildings started to randomly appear all over the town. Pyramids replaced buildings, sandstone structures appeared all over. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was replaced by what looked like humungous sandstone slabs. Like a stone floor. There were large holes in this ceiling that showed that these slabs were large pillars hanging down from something but I couldn’t see since it was shrouded in darkness. Then, after exploring one of these pyramids that strangely looked like layout of the store it replaced, I remember walking out and seeing the sky then replaced by what looked like the surface of different planets. But, it looked like these planets were merged with each other, like they were phasing in and out of existence. I saw lights in the sky, like planes or something, flying around. Then, before I woke up, I remember hearing someone say “You’re quarantined to this planet, but your neighbors are free to come and go as they please.”
A strange but very awesome dream.
Well, it depends on what happens afterwards. If the UN just says that they know about it but don’t show anything, I’d be excited but if nothing happens then I’d just continue what I’m doing. I’d certainly keep a closer eye on things and try to find out as much as I can. But, what I’d wonder about is the implications. If the government said “yeah, aliens have been here this whole time.” Then what would that mean for the world? If aliens are here then certainly they could’ve been exchanging ideas and technology since they mostly came from somewhere far away. And, if it turns out these ideas and technology that could potentially fix a lot of problems we have on earth, like replicators from star trek, or the cure for every disease, or emission less transportation, and they knowingly withheld this in order to ‘keep the secret’ there will be hangings and assassinations. I’d be excited but cautious.
PT. A horror game from Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro and from the Silent Hill series? Yes please
Just to add some context I guess. From what they’re telling me, the cost of my phone along with the other phone is attached onto the monthly cost. Since I have a Fold 5 and the other is a S24 FE which can ONLY use premium plans, according to Bell, the monthly cost is that absurd price.
I feel like I’m missing out on something. I’m in Canada, unlimited texts, calls, etc. 225GB for two lines, $300 something/month. I feel like you are all in on some joke that I’m missing.
I just murdered a bunch of people. Two people in rapid succession actually. But then I got ran over and was murdered. When I woke up again, I ran to murder the murderer who murdered me but then was murdered by another murderer who murdered my murderer friend.
So I rage quit and turned off Halo.
Nah, maybe just a normal beach