I was the other way around! I really liked Joy Division, didn’t really care for New Order. Now I like them both, but they stimulate very different parts of my brain.
I was the other way around! I really liked Joy Division, didn’t really care for New Order. Now I like them both, but they stimulate very different parts of my brain.
It was just one of those days!
Wait a second… you’re not Canadian but you know who The Hip are? And you like them?! My mind is blown, my dude. That’s awesome 😃
Weird, I was just about to add my comment in here about The Hip. I used to haaaaate them, like get up immediately and turn the radio station if they came on kind of hate.
Then I remember the music video for Poets came out, and I thought it was okay. Fine, maybe I like one of their songs, but fuck the rest!
And then I heard Bobcaygeon a few years later - I think it was the right place and the right time. A cottage trip, after a few drinks, and somebody I had a lot of respect for said they loved the band. Suddenly Gord wasn’t some awful screechy eccentric folk elderly-rock singer, but an eccentric artist whimsically singing about deep Canadiana. I started exploring them more, and now I love them and passionately regret that I will never be able to experience them live.
RIP Gord, you beautiful weirdo.
If any non-Canadians want a glimpse of what Canadian culture is like go take a listen to the top Tragically Hip songs. Also pay attention to the lyrics because some of them are just poetry and magnificent.
Rush still fucking sucks, though.
The hypocrisy!
I think its popularity was a product of the time. Back then the show was downright groundbreaking, and as you had to watch it week to week, the hype and popularity built up over time, and a lot of that was deflated when the show was hit by a writers strike and then the finale which was kind of a polarising shitshow. I’d bet the people that love it watched it while it was airing, and I’d bet most people that watched it after it aired are generally like “eh, it was okay at points”
I mostly watched it while it aired, and while I like it, I don’t go out of my way to recommend it to people very often. I think for the time period it was great, it was a big event at the time, but it’s clear RDM had no idea where the story was going and watching it again years after the fact makes that so damn obvious. The show had some great cliffhangers and twists which worked really well when you were watching week to week and could talk to your friends about it, not so much if you’re binging it 20 years later.
( ಥ︡ ͜ʖ ಥ︠ ) Qapla’!
Welp, time to expedite that switch to RustDesk, I guess!
100 gross of self sealing stem bolts!
Hello again Mr. Stamets! ❤️
Haha this happened to me almost verbatim except it was an LG phone.
Big “we already got their money, fuck 'em” energy. Made me decide to aggressively avoid all LG products going forward.
Best part was there was a bug in the version of their Android I was stuck with that would cause the phone to randomly shut off if charging overnight. I think I eventually installed a custom ROM which fixed it.
As always, if a headline is in the form of a question, the answer is: No.
As it was a few years ago, the only “cure” is bone marrow transplants from somebody with the gene variant that is resistant to HIV. And bone marrow transplants, since in their application need to wipe out your existing immune system, are riskier than just continuing to be on ART.
The other potential cures in the article have only been tested on monkeys and mice, and even if they end up working on humans that’s many, many years away.
The article is kind of a waste of time if you already know about the bone marrow application, as expected. Actually, that’s kind of harsh, it’s mostly positive, which we need more of, but from a science news perspective there’s not much there.
Wait, how’d you get that with Bell? I’m pretty sure my plan is the same speeds for like… double that amount
Everything was fucked!