fuck I lost the game :(
fuck I lost the game :(
I’m still gaming on my 1600X, although it is starting to show its age
Sorry you couldn’t get wireguard running, glad you found something else that works!
Enjoy your trip!
As others have said, definitely seems like a port forwarding issue. If you’re still trying to solve this, what do your port forward rules look like on your router?
Connect with your phone and check your public ip address (you can do this by googling or using a site like WhatIsMyIP. It should show the same IP as if you were on your home network without the vpn connected.
If that’s working you could try actually connecting to the minecraft server. It might be set up to not respond to pings. You’ll want to use the same IP to connect to it as you’d use if you were on the same network
Not an assembly guy myself but this looks super cool!
It absolutely could be fixed with the higher bandwidth, the fact that it wasn’t mentioned at all is a bit disappointing
It looks promising, low power wifi could be huge in other kinds of wearables or battery powered embedded applications. I wish they would have touched on a better mic & audio profile. Having to switch to lower quality audio to use a microphone has been my biggest bluetooth pet peeve
If you weren’t an affiliate or partner (the only way to monetize through twitch itself) you could stream on other platforms
There isn’t really enough information here to diagnose what’s actually happening, but that sure is weird
I was under the impression that the only RCS networks that still existed was Google’s Jibe and Apple’s own in house. And that RCS on android was 100% done through google messages which uses the jibe network for rcs therefore bypassing the need for carrier support. Could someone explain where I’m wrong?