I’ve been to court a few times, once for a traffic incident where I hit a pole and totaled my car. Got an improper lane usage ticket. I just showed up in regular clothes, went to the front desk thing and asked where my courtroom was. They made us wait outside of it until it was time. Then I just plead guilty or whatever and had to do one of those driving classes. I wouldn’t worry too much. Yours isn’t that serious either.
Honestly kinda shit of the cop to make you go to begin with.
I had to go. It was a stipulation on the offence, at least where I lived at the time. It was just enough of a violation that I had to appear to receive judgment or whatever you might call it.
Also to note I hit the pole intentionally at speed. I was on new medication at the time and it kinda fucked me up. I guess I was trying to kill myself. Poor attempt, but I have trouble understanding my thinking during that time. Don’t take Abilify if you’re young if you can help it.